The Kaltan Incident Part 2: Investigation

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The atmosphere between the five members of the investigation team was tense and serious and all of them could feel the weight of the upcoming fight pressing down on them as they slowly neared their destination of the CN City in B and Q"s Chevy Impala. Aside from going through their plan together a few times to make sure all of them remembered everything correctly, all of them stayed silence ever since the left the HQ of the watchers. Even Q was quiet and it was something unusual for her. Her quietness confirmed to everyone just how serious the situation was as well...

The silence between them was interrupted a few minutes after they arrived at this world through the portal as 21O contacted them through 9S's Pod to perform a status check on them or rather perform it just on 9S. Even though she made it to clear it was a status check on all of them, she mostly focused it on 9S as she asked him countless questions on how he and the others were doing right. She asked him about some personal stuff as well, much to his embarassment.

"....Understood." 21O replied with understanding evident on her face, showing her understanding of whatever he just told her, "I'll call you again in an hour to see how you're doing and to check if you came across anything that might take us to our target."

9S gave her a nod of understandng, "I'll remember about it. If we'll be fortunate enough to stumble upon any leads during this hour, I'll make sure to report it to you and the rest."

"Understood. Watch out for yourself out there, 9S. You know what to do if you'll come across an opponent, right?" 21O asked in a tone which made her look like a worried mother, much to 9S embarassment as B and Q exchanged slightly amused glances at this. 2B and A2 didn't show any notable reactions to this as 2B silently stared at 9S while A2 kept glancing out of the window next to her.

"You don't need to be worry about me, mom." 9S replied as he turned away from 21O to hide his embarassment from her and everyone else. Even though his attempt was futile as it remained pretty evident to everyone, "I'm going to be fine. I have 2B and A2 with me. Not to mention two of the watchers are with me as well..."

"I'm simply being cautious by reminding you to be safe." 21O pointed out to him with her worry remaining evident in her tone, "After all, we don't want anything to happen to you, right?"

"I suppose..." 9S responded in an embarassed tone.

21O gave him one last last smile before ending the call with him. 9S sunk in his seat and placed his hand on his forehead as he could tell how amused everyone must have been at their expense right now even if 2B and A2 were probably not showing it.. He was not embarassed by 21O treating him like a child because he had gotten used to it a while ago back when he first accepted her as his mom. He was embarassed because she did it when he was with someone else. 

"Is this how humans felt like whenever their mom was embarassing them in front of someone?" He internally asked himself.

"Good thing Devola is not here." Q's voice pushed him out of his thoughts as she looked over her shoulder at the embarassed android behind her with a slightly amused look on her face, "Otherwise she wouldn't let your hear the end of it."

"I know." 9S replied, sounding a bit relieved that Devola was not with them in Impala. The saying that the red haired android enjoyed teasing Popola after it was revealed that her twin sister and A started an relationship was the understatement of the century, "She is doing her best to be a good mother and live by the advices you guys gave her on the family related stuff once you came to our world, but I really wish she stopped doing stuff like this among other people."

"You'll have to get used to it, Nines." B said to the male android, keeping his gaze on the road in front of him as he made sure to referr to him by the nickname he had picked for himself, "A lot of the parents embarrass their kids in front of their friends like this."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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