Neopolitan: New environment

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Neo looked around herself, walking through the next one of the many hallways of the HQ as she exchanged glances with Roman, both of them mutually agreeing they took the right turn and were walking in the right direction. After B, Q, Molly and A2 left for whatever suprise Q's friends prepared for her, both of them went to their new room and left the stuff which was given to them by C and R when they paid a visit to their work room there before going back to their trip around the HQ. 

Their trip around their new home was slowly coming to an end as both of them had visited all of the places in the massive home of the watchers and now only had to visit how the world outside the HQ looked like. If they were honest with each other, they were certain their trip around the outside of the HQ will be as long as their trip around the actual building as they doubted the outside will have anything more than what you'd normally see outside in a normal place.

They stopped in their tracks for a moment, having just walked past the gym as they overheard someone was in there right now. When they checked the gym out earlier, there wasn't anyone there. Someone must have entered the gym after this. Roman shrugged it off, pushing himself back into walk as he didn't really care about who was inside the gym now. Neo was a bit different history, though. Finding herself growing curious over who was in the gym right now, Neo walked over to the door to the place and took a peek into it, seeing two people, a man and a woman to be exact, sparring in boxing on the ring.

From what she and Roman saw earlier, she could tell those two people were one of the watcher. The woman and the taller one from the pair had black hair with an undercut hair and had black eyes. The man and the shorter one from the pair had a short gray hair, black eyes and brownish skin. Neo frowned a bit at the view of his short gray hair. If she was honest with herself, it reminded her a bit of Mercury back in Remnant and she didn't really like the observation she just made.

The man avoided a punch from the woman and shifted his attention away from his opponent for a second as he noticed someone watching them through the slightly opened door to the gym. He stopped himself in his action for a second, glancing towards the door as he stepped towards the edge of the ring.

The woman looked at him with a confused and questioning look on her face, "What are you doing?"

"I think someone is watching us." Her friend replied.

"Really?" The woman asked, looking confused by it as she narrowed her eyes a bit towards the entrance, "I can't see anything there. If someone is there, then I would probably need my helmet to notice them."

The man smiled, "This what happens when you go through training under Snake."

The woman rolled her eyes, smilling back at him, "If you say so."

The man shifted his gaze away from his friend and shifted it back to the person watching them, " "Who are you? Do you need any help or something?"

Neo shook her head, letting out a sigh at being noticed this man as she asked herself internally how did he noticed her watching, despite the distance between the door and the ring.  Letting out a sigh, she knew there was no need for her to remain hidden as she pushed the door to the gym fully open and walked into the gym, showing herself to the man and a woman as she pushed herself into walk towards the ring.

Roman looked over his shoulder, seeing Neo entering the gym and stopped in his tracks for a second, "Neo? Where are you going?"

He received no answer from his partner in crime as Neo vanished from his view, walking further into the gym. He turned around, shaking his head to himself as he pushed himself into walk and followed her into the gym. Upon entering the gym and setting his eyes on the watchers on the ring, he couldn't help but get reminded of Mercury when he caught the sight of the male watcher. He only hoped this watcher won't be as annoying as Mercury. Considering how annoying Mercury could be, he knew being as annoying as him was near impossible.

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