R: Love in Rhodes

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R walked along the hallway of the watchers HQ, making her way towards the gym in the said place as she felt rather excited about what was about to happen today. She and P had a conversation with each other last night after seeing D's broadcast from Terra and both of them came to a mutual agreement of hanging out together today. Not only both of them would hang out together, though, but they would visit the world of Terra and hang out with D there as well.

The female watcher couldn't help but show her excitement about hanging out with D and P today in her steps. After D left the HQ to hang out in Terra for a bit and show them his version of the original Modern Warfare trilogy, the three of them didn't really had a chance to hang out together because of him being busy with his own stuff. Now with him having put all of those stuff out of the way, she knew it was a perfect time to visit him and see how he was doing after all this time.

What made her excitement grow was that she would visit a new world. Visiting new worlds was always one of her favourites things about being a watcher of the multiverse, even if she didn't have a world she would consider her 'main' one just like most of her fellow watchers. Just seeing how different and yet similiar all of those world are to each other was really fascinating to her. The fact that now she was about to visit a world which her knowledge was slim to none made everything more exciting for her. The way she liked character design from the one time D showed her the characters from it was just the next, very tiny, small reason for her excitement.

She arrived at her destination a second later and stopped in the doorway of the room she had just arrived at. Her destination wasn't the place she and P had agreed to met up before they will leave the HQ together to see D, though. It was a gym at the HQ where the watchers and the characters who lived with them often worked out in their free time. She went here first instead as she wanted to say goodbye to four certain women before she will leave for Terra. The said four women were her girlfriends.

She looked around the gym, trying to locate them and smiled at upon laying her eyes on them. Her girlfriends were hanging out by the ring in one part of the gym. Esdeath and Lexa were sparring together, exchanging and blocking slashes of their blades to see who's better as Kurumi and 6O were standing outside the ring on the side, both of them cheering for their own respective candidate to win, the former cheering for Esdeath and the latter cheering for Lexa.

R made her way to the ring, feeling bad she will interrupt them in their little sparring session, but she knew how long those can last and knew she can't really afford this right now as she would have to postpone her visit with P which was something she really didn't want to do. 6O and Kurumi took notice of her walking towards them and their expression lit up, having shifted their attention from the sparring to them as Lexa and Esdeath were yet to spot R and continued to swing their blades at each other on the ring.

"Wow~." R said, intending to gain Esdeath and Lexa's attention. It worked just like it was supposed to as Esdeath and Lexa immediately froze in what they were doing and shifted their attention in the direction of the voice they were more than familiar with. They smiled at the view of R as R stopped in front of the ring and crossed her arms with a smile on his face, "No matter how many times I've seen you work your magic with your blades, your skills will never cease to amaze."

Lexa blushed slightly at the praise, smilling as she appreciated it. Like she did everytime when R praised her, "Thank you."

"Thank you very much, hun." Esdeath smiled at the compliment, voicing her gratitude for it as well as she and Lexa walked across the ring for a bit and stopped as close they could be to R right now without leaving the ring. R smiled back at him, eyeing their current appearance as she loved whenever Esdeath and Lexa put on the outfits they had on themselves right now. It surely made them look good.

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