A: Fixing the World

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A sat up on his bed, feeling as well and rested as he had just woken up from his slumber. He let out a satisfied exhale, shifting her gaze to the side and saw the spot next to him empty. The person who usually woke up next to him was not present on it right now. He shrugged his shoulders to himself at this. He didn't question himself where the said person was right now as they always woke up earlier than him. A got up from his bed and started to make his way into the kitchen of the house. 

He walked into the kitchen shortly after and felt a smile growing on his face as he saw the person he was looking for right now. Her laid his eyes on more soft from the android sisters Popola. The android with a straight red hair stood with her back facing him as she stood in front of stove, preparing something to eat on it. He quietly made his way to her, not wanting to alert her of his presence for now and wrapped his hands around her from behind, giving her a welcoming hug.

"Hey." He greeted her, tightening his hug a little but not too much as he didn't want anything to happen with the food she was preparing right now.

Popola smiled slightly at the hug, having gotten used to A giving her those each morning a long time ago as she kept her eyes focused on whatever she was making right now, "Good morning. I hope you slept well."

"I did." A nodded in confirming, pulling away from Popola to give her more space as he stepped over to the counter next to him and leaned against it, "What about you? Did you sleep well?"

"You know I always sleep well." Popola smiled. It was one of the perks of being an android. No matter what, you'd always get enough rest. Unless you'll get a nightmare while sleeping. If that happens, then the sleep can get quite unpleasant. She gestured to her head with her head to the side, "I already made some of our morning coffee. Help yourself if you wan to."

"Really? You're so sweet." A said as he looked in the direction she had just gestured to and saw some freshly brewed coffee. Popola blushed at his praise as A walked over to the coffee and picked up his mug. He poured himself some coffe and took a sip of it, feeling his smile grow at how it tasted. Popola really knew how to make coffee taste tasty.

"What are your plans for today?" Popola wanted to know, "Will you still be meeting up with the council?"

"Yes." A nodded in confirmation, taking a sip from his coffee, "I got a call from Anemone, Emil and White yesterday and they told me the meeting is still happening. They told me Pascal will join us for it in person as well."

"Not suprising." Popola nodded in understanding. Pascal usually stayed in his village for the meetings, having massively expanded in it over the course of last three years and contacted the council through his Pod whenever the meeting between them was taking place, "Considering this matter involves him and his village as well."

"Yeah." A agreed with her, "I just hope everything goes according to our plan and he and his village will be the key of solving this problem. The settlement we discovered across the dessert consist of machines. Maybe if they will see the machines from over here living in peace with the androids, then they maybe will be more open to this idea."

Popola looked over her shoulder at him with an assuring look on her face, "I wouldn't worry so much about it. You managed to convince the machines, even the machines from the forest, to live in peace with the androids over here. I'm sure everything will work out here as well."

"Like it worked out with Adam and Eve?" A brought up to her. If there was one thing he would consider a failure during his time in this world, it was when how failed to convince Adam and Eve to change themselves from their canon self and had to make sure they will be stopped. He really wished things had played out differently with them. He really did.

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