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It was a normal day for F. He woke up in his bed and prepared himself for the day before doing whatever he had planned for today. His plans for today didn't consist of much today aside from continuing the research he was working  regarding one matter he was working on and him having to help Q with help out Q in something regarding Mimi and Mini. Because of him having so little plans today, he intended to make the most of this day by doing one of his favourite activities.

The said activity was playing Minecraft on the server he had started for himself and his friends from the HQ of the watchers, no matter if they were the watchers or the characters who were living with them. The server was named FOESSMP. The name FOES came from the names of the four admins and the creators of this server. F came from him, O came from O, E came from E and S came from S. Shortly after becoming the watcher, all four of them discovered their mutual interest in this game and bonded over it. 

As the time passed and their mutual interest in the game grew, all four of them decided they were done playing on the public servers and decided to start something on their own and the idea of FOESSMP was born. They didn't limit their server to only them, though. They added everyone who was interested in playing on it to their playing list and even expanded the list as the time went on and more of their friends showed interest in playing on their server, resulting the player list being the way it is right now and consisting of many watchers and the characters.

F smiled to himself, having just finished one part of the building he was working on right with his friends. The complicated and massive building was placed in the spawn of their server and the players would always be greeted by it whenever they would log in on the server. Even though the built of it was tough, all four of them knew all the work they had put into it would be worth it due to beautiful and cool it will look by the time they'll be done. The looks they were getting of it right when he it was about half finished was only confirming it to them.

"...Alright. I'm out of stone. I'll be going down to get some more." F declared to his gaming friends, using his Elytra to fly down from the building. He was a fairly tall young man as he stood at over 190 centimeters. He had a short black hair, brown eyes and a dark skin.

"Do we still have some left?" S asked, doing his own part of the building as he was working on on the insides of the building. If there was one thing all of them hated in Minecraft, it was when the massive buildings were completely empty on the inside. Unlike F who was connected to the server from the watchers HQ, he was connected to it from the world he was currently in.

"I dunno." O replied, helping S out with the insides of the building. Just like F, he was connected to the server from the watchers HQ.

"With the amount of it we gathered yesterday, I think there still should be some left." E gave him his answer, helping F in working on the upper part of the building. Unlike F, however, he didn't have to come down to get the building supplies as he still had some left. Even if he was he was slowly running out of building supples in his equipment. Just like S, he was connected to the server from the world he was currently in.

"There still should be some left from what I've seen when I was getting the previous batch." F gave them his answer, having just landed on the ground with the help of his trusted Elytra. He walked over to the crate and opened it as he was greeted by the view of of the stone inside. He nodded to himself, satisfied by the view of it,  "Alright. Good news. We still have some left."

"Good." O replied in understanding as F loaded as much of it as he could into his equipment,

"See? I told you so." E told him, sounding all proud of himself for being right.

"We will still have to leave to gather some supplies soon. From what I saw in the crate, we have enough stone for just two more trips back down there until we'll run out of it." F replied, having loaded his equipment with as much stone as he could and began to climb up to the highest point of his building.

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