N: Life of a Mute

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N nodded to herself, looking through the cabinets in her medical room as she performed her daily examination of the said room to make sure she will have everything she needs to have in this room. Despite her doing this everyday and the result always being the same, she knew it will probably remain as part of her daily routine as it was a habit she had developed, because of her old work was a nurse in her homeworld. and she knew it was her part of responsibilities as the medic of the group

With her being the medic of the group and her being the only one among her fellow watchers with a medical experience, she even based her super weapon on this part of her as she super weapon consisted of two gloves. A power glove to give her an ability to defend herself from the danger when someone will be unable to give her cover and the healing glove to give her an ability do what she was supposed to do, no matter the situation. Heal people. 

Because of her having the kind of role in the group she has, she considered the second glove to be more important. Even if she didn't use it much in the first few months she became a watcher. She mostly used it to patch up T after he got someone angry at him after playing one of his pranks and the person was less than pleased with it. She mostly had to treat him because of K who was more than eager or angry to always give T either a firm kick or punch to the face for messing with her for his own amusement.

Beginning to look through the next cabinet with medical, N shook her head to herself as she thought about all the annoying pranks T was playing on everyone ever since they started living at the HQ. Especially K, even if she was was the one the most annoyed with them. She was unfortunate enough to be a victim of one of them and she could easily recall how she was less than amused by it. If T would keep on doing this, then she wouldn't be certain if the others watchers teamed to get revenge on him.

"...Who's there?" She pushed herself out of her thoughts a few seconds later, feeling someone cover her eyes from behind as a voice she had become more than familiar with over the course of the last few months. 

N smiled and tapped her chin a few times thoughtfully, feeling her cheeks heat up a little. She snapped her fingers a second later as she already had a good idea of who it was because this man did this as a way of greeting her on more than one occasion ever since they became friendly with each other. A man behind her chuckled, pulling his hands away from her eyes as N turned around to look at him and felt her smile grow wider as she was proven to be right. It was W.

W crossed his arms with a smile on his face, "I see your guess was right again. Hi there, by the way. What'cha doing right now?" N pointed towards the cabinet behind her until W made himself known to her as W nodded in understanding, "I see. Doing the daily checkup again."

"Yes." N signed to him with a nod of her head. Unfortunely having been born without ability to speak, she didn't really have any other way to communicate with the other people aside from signing to them or writing something down to them. 

With W knowing sign language as he learned it during his time in high school because one of his classmates was deaf, she quickly found common language with him and she helped him a lot when it came to communicating with the other watchers who unfortunely for her weren't experienced in this language. She knew there was an option of writing everything down on a whiteboard for them and she was communicating with like with this method whenever W wasn't around to translate it for them.

W looked at her questioningly, "You know you don't have to do it everyday, right? I'm certain Popola and Devola always make sure everything is in it's place."

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