The Kaltan Incident Part 1: Discovery and Preparation

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The atmosphere in the HQ was tense and grim. Everything in there was already tense following the fight between D and Devola, but everything became much worse to everyone after R and C went around the place and informed everything about their recent discovery, not giving them full details due to them saving it until everyone from the HQ will around to hear it and how all of them needed to gather themselves in the meeting room as this matter was something they had to discuss as quickly as possible.

Needless to say. Everyone listened to R and C, seeing how serious they were being about it and knowing it must have been something important even if R out of all people acted this seriously about it. Despite their minds not feeling as refreshed as they should due to them just having the new years party the day before and their minds still being on the recent fight between D and Devola, all of them made sure to gather themselves in the room as quickly as they could and and were split up around it while R and C stood in front of the whiteboard, like they always did whenever something important came up and they had to hold a meeting about it.

The watchers weren't the only ones present for the meeting, though. Popola, Devola, A2, 6O and Esdeath were present for the meeting as well. Despite them not being the watchers, R and C decided it would be for the best to invite them for this meeting and fill them in about it due them to living the in the HQ. They knew placing Devola and D in the same room after what happened between them wasn't the best idea and they got the confirmation to it in the form of the tension in the room and the way D and Devola were glancing at each other.

If looks could kill, both of them would be dead by now as everyone could tell how much the distate between the two became after what just happened between them. They were even kept as far away from each other as possible as D was kept in the right corner of the room with H and E close to him and Devola was kept in the left corner of the room with A and Popola close to her. R and C exchanged glances with each other at the way these two were acting towards each other right now. Despite knowing placing these two in the same room won't be the best idea, they knew it had to happen due to what they were about to tell everyone and they knew it was a price they had to pay in order to have everyone filled in on the idea.

C looked around everyone in the room, seeing everyone who was gathered in it and saw everyone aside from G was there. She nodded to herself, knowing it was the right time to start and and R's explanation. Even though G was not present for the meeting right, neither she or R were touched by it due to the having already having filled him in on everything. They had filled him in one everything sooner as they needed to have him start working on the device they will need to take care of this matter. They were working on a limited time here and she knew starting the preparation process as soon as possible was the best thing she and the rest could do in this situation.

"Thank you all of you for coming here." The glasses wearing female watcher expressed her gratitude to them as she clasped her hands together and once again looked around everyone gathered in front of her and R, "Listen I know the timing for this meeting was not the best due to certain factors, but this matter is something me and R have to discuss with you right now and couldn't postpone it for another day."

R nodded in confirmation, "Exactly. It is something we need to take care of quickly as possible as otherwise I'm certain something bad will come out of it."

"What is it, then?" T wanted to know.

K nodded in agreement, "Yeah. Can you explain to us what it is if it's so important?"

C sighed, "Alright. Where to begin..."

"Me and C had defected a threat to the multiverse last night." R cut C off as she went straight to the point, because she knew it was it was the best of revealing the main reason for this gathering.

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