T: Secret Santa Prank

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A group of twenty five watchers was gathered in the same place, split up around it as all of them either stood on the side or sat on the chairs. C and R stood in front of them with an empty whitboard standing behind them, both of them looking utterly serious about something and seeing R looking this serious was a rarity. C was holding an opened black marker in her hand, keeping herself ready to write something down on the whiteboard as she knew she will most likely end up writing something down for it.

What was the reason for their gathering? The answer was quite simple. The third Christmas party of the watchers was nearing with big steps and was only one week away from them. Most of the planning for it had already been done, including all the new characters who will be joining them for it such as Molly and the three Eds. There was only one matter left for them to discuss, though. The matter of secret santa and T.

Back when they became the watchers a little over two years ago, the watchers mutually agreed to hoost a secret santa between them each Christmast. During their first Christmas together, they did this a way of getting to know each other better as it happened where they have been the watchers for only a bit over two months and were still getting to know each other. Afterwards all of them agreed to keep doing it for the fun of it.

Or rather it was fun for them for the most part. This is what brought all of them here today. One watcher in particular made sure to use their secret santa game for nefarious reasons and this watcher was T. The watcher from America always made sure to play a prank on whoever he would get for his secret santa. Not only this. This was not the only occasion when T played a prank on someone as the said watcher loved to play pranks on everyone in the HQ. The saying everyone were done with it was quite the understatement.

R shifted her gaze between everyone in the room and nodded to herself, satisfied all of them managed to find enough time to come here for this meeting, "Thank you all of you for coming here."

C nodded in agreement, following R's example and shifting her gaze between everyone around her, "Yeah. I know all of you are busy with your own Christmas preparations and finding a free moment must have not been easy, but this is something all of us need to discuss before the party next week."

"You bet we need to talk about this." K agreed with them, crossing her arms as she was sitting down on a chair between Q and P.

P nodded in agreement, "Yeah."

"I'm kind of suprised we didn't discuss this earlier." S stated, getting a nod of agreement out of Y as both of them were standing next to each other on the side, leaning against the wall.

M rubbed the back of his head, shrugging a bit, "To be honest we didn't really have an opportunity and a reason to discuss this until now."

"Exactly." C nodded in agreement, "With the Secret Santa lottery taking place tommorow, there's no better time for us to discuss it as we all know what happens during it."

"Ugh. Don't remind me..." K said, cringing at what was brought up as she pinched the bridge of he nose. She was a young Asian woman in her early 20's. In fact. She was one of the younger looking people among her fellow watchers. She had long black hair and blue eyes. She was on the shorter side as well. Standing at around 161 centimeters.

F shook his head, "I feel sorry for whoever will end up being T's secret santa..."

"Be gratetul you weren't his secret santa like I was last year." U told him, shivering a bit at the memory and how T gave her a carnivorous plants from some universe he visited just for the purpose of buying it. What made everything worse about this plant was the fact that it didn't look like a carnivorous plant at all and it ended up bitting her pretty badly.

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