J: The Chilli Incident

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It was early morning in the HQ of the watchers of the multiverse. Most of the residents of the said place were still asleep, resting from whatever they were doing the day before and making sure they would wake up all well and rested. The HQ was really quiet because of it right now and this silence was more than enough to give everyone a long comfortable sleep. There was one exception among them, though. One of the watchers stayed up last night, doing the task she had occupied herself with yesterday.

The said watcher was J. The female watcher was standing in the kitchen all by herself, finding herself surrounded by the aroma of spices of the meal she was working on right now as she was possibly the only watcher not sleeping right now. The aroma of spices lingering in the air was more than enough to make her excited to try out the meal and more than excited to see the hard work she had put into it pay off. Her tired yet satisfied and happy eyes reflected on the light of the stove as she stirred the pot of chili simmering gently before her. 

She stepped away from the pot for a second, rubbing her hands excitedly as she was looking forward to seeing her fellow watchers try out this. If she was honest with herself, her chili was one of the things she cooked the best and people always loved it whenever they tasted it. No matter if they were people in her private life or people in her old job as a cook. She was really excited right now as she hadn't made her special chili for her fellow watchers until and knew this day will be special because of it.

The reason why she hadn't cooked her chili for them until today was because she wanted to wait for the right moment to do it due to this meal being something special to her and something she knew she was doing best. As she continued to wait for the perfect moment to cook this meal for her fellow watchers, she ultimately came to a conclusion of the six month anniversary of them being the watchers was the right time for this. She had stayed up all night working on this dish to make it perfect, but knew all the work she had put into it would be worth it.

Letting out a tired sigh, she leaned against the counter with a mixture of exhaustion and satisfaction evident on her face and thought to herself to  express how proud she was with herself and her work, "Looks like you've outdone yourself this time, J. The chili smells amazing and looks tasty as well. This is what happens when you keep it in the pot for the whole night and allow the ingredients to get to know each other. Just like you were taught by your grandma."

She stopped herself in her thoughts for a brief moment and looked at the tasty food in front of her, knowing now was the right moment to finally try it and see the effects of her hard work. She grabbed a nearby spoon and dipped it into the pot, pulling it out a few seconds later with a small portion of chili on it. She placed the spoon in her mouth a second later, tasting a spoonful  of the rich concoction. As soon as she tasted her chili, she smiled and her feeling of satisfaction with her meal grew.

J pulled the now empty spoon out of her mouth and placed it aside as she set her eyes back ont he pot. She nodded to herself with a smile on her face, having just gotten to know the taste of her chili and it was the taste she had grown to love over the years. The spices were just right. They weren't too overpowering and the watchers who hate spicy foods like T won't be harmed by eating it, but were enough to give it a kick and give everyone a feeling of how a good chili should taste like.

She shifted her gaze away from the chili a second later to look around the kitchen and saw the mess of ingredients strewn across the counter, leaving an obvious evidence of her culinary endeavor and who was responsible for it. . Tomatoes, beans, onions and garlic. All of those ingredients strewn across the counter right now. All of them were cut it one way or another, showing how much work the female watcher had put into everything in regards of her chili.

J shook her head to herself, cringing a bit at the view of it. Despite feeling the satisfaction of creating such an amazing chili for her fellow watchers, she hated the mess she left the kitchen in due to her work. She always hated working in a filthy environment. This is why she always cleaned up her kitchen whenever she was done preparing a meal. She always wanted to have her kitchen clean for the next time she will work there, no matter if it was in private or in a restaurant. She always made sure the other watchers cleaned up after themselves after working on the kitchen as well. Her best friend I was the best example of it. She was a really messy cook.

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