Emigration and repatriation

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Chapter 5

A/N - a double update because I was getting impatient for Vegas and Pete to finally meet. 😂

Pete sighed with a half heavy heart as he took a last look around the spacious bedroom he lived in for the past 3 years. He had just graduated from Christ Church College, Oxford. He thought over some of the amazing memories of his student days. He chuckled to himself, remembering when his cousin, Amonsak had fallen into the water while they had gone punting on the river after graduation. He also recalled trips to various music festivals, Glastonbury had been his favourite, camping in  the mountains of Wales and visiting London for the pride parade. Those were just some of the amazing experiences he'd had while studying here.
He had grown very fond of this place and the people he had met here.
'I will see them again someday' he told himself with a smile. His father wanted him to return home to Thailand now his studies had been completed. Pete was very grateful towards his father for allowing him to study abroad, especially as knew it had been a huge wrench for him to allow Pete to leave the family home. He and his father had always shared a very close bond and despite the physical distance between them, that hadn't changed. He had spoken to his father every day via video calls. Pete knew his father was a busy man but Mr Saengtham always made time to speak to all of his children every day.
"I wonder if I will now meet my Alpha?" he wondered to himself.
"Pete, we need to leave now" his cousin, Amonsak's voice brought him back to reality and came into the room to take Pete's heavy suitcase from the bed.
"Jesus Christ Pete, what have you got in here? You know if you want something my mum and dad can just send it to you" Amonsak teased playfully.
"Just the essentials and gifts for my family" Pete laughed.
"I will take this and put it into the car and you grab your hand luggage" said Amonsak before lifting the suitcase and headed for the bedroom door.
Pete grabbed his black shoulder bag and exited the room, pulling the heavy oak door closed behind him.
At the bustling airport Pete turned to his Aunt and Uncle to bid them goodbye.
"I love you my second son" Auntie Lawana sobbed squeezing Pete in an unquenchable hug.
"I love you too, my second Mum" Pete answered, his eyes tearing up.
"Don't cry now both of you. Thailand is not the moon. You will see each other very soon" comforted Uncle Kla while laughing to himself and shaking his head softly.
"Take care of yourself Pete. Call us often" uncle Kla said squeezing Pete's shoulder with affection.
"Every day, you will call us everyday" Auntie Lawana dictated through her sobs, her handkerchief now sodden with salty tears.
"Charming. You are not going to miss me then, Mum?" asked Amonsak with fake devastation in his voice.
"Of course I will, silly" Auntie Lawana cried while pulling her own son into a group hug, along with Pete.
"I will miss you both so much. Don't forget to eat well, sleep early, don't drink too much, be safe and look after each other", Auntie Lawana instructs while reading off a list of rules the boys should abide by in her absence.
"My love, they are grown men now. Stop babying them" Uncle Kla scolded his wife in an amused tone and with a playful smile on his lips.
"They will both always be my babies" Auntie Lawana retorts slapping her husband's arm in reprimand for his sarcastic remarks.
Uncle Kla took his wife in his arms and whispered sweetly in her ear, "Now they are leaving, I get you all to myself".
"Oh, Dad. Please" Amonsak exclaimed in a half disgusted and half amused tone.
Pete giggled, quietly observing his auntie and uncle. Their relationship was exactly what he was hoping to achieve. His uncle was fiercely protective of his wife, but you could tell he loved her with his whole heart. Auntie Lawana was the only person on this earth who could scold his uncle and get away with it.
Uncle Kla collected all his favourite people together in his arms, for one last family hug.
"Uncle I can't breathe anymore" Pete gasped for breath as he wriggled free of his uncle's loving embrace.
"Take care of yourselves" uncle Kla said giving his family a final warm hug before releasing them from his grasp.
"Now go and board the plane before I change my mind and don't allow you both to leave".
"We love you both and we will see you soon" Amonsak said and took his chance to escape, taking hold of Pete's arm and leading him towards departures.

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