Honeymoon in Vienna

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Chapter 13

A/N - I keep forgetting to put a thank you note at the top of each chapter. Thank you so much for all the reads and the votes. I honestly didn't think anyone would read this, I just wrote it to get the idea out of my head. Thank you all again I really appreciate all the support for the story. Sorry for the late update, things have gotten really busy lately and before I knew it nearly two weeks had flown by. I won't ever abandon this story, I'm determined to finish it. Honeymoon time for VP, hope you all enjoy 😉

Pete stirred from his deep slumber, he had slept soundly but he felt a deep fatigue in his bones, a throbbing pain in his neck where his new mating mark was situated and not to mention the pain in his lower regions. He released a long exhaustive exhale in the hopes of expelling the tiredness from his body. He felt himself engulfed in a strong and protective embrace. A warm glow grew inside of him. Before opening his weary eyes he smelt the comforting scent of his Alpha, the scent had changed since last night, instead of the usual scent of patchouli leaves, Pete's own pineapple scent was now mixed in, further proof of their mating bond.
As he opened his tired eyes, he was greeted with the beautiful sight of his still sleeping husband.
'Husband' Pete thought while smiling brightly to himself. Although he dearly wished to stay laying in his mate's arms, they had a flight to catch at 5pm. Tearing his eyes away from his gorgeous husband, he saw the clock on the bedside table showed it was almost noon. Their bags were already packed, filled with warm clothing, it was December after all and the weather reports showed it was already snowing in the Austrian capital. They had picked Vienna as their honeymoon destination because they already lived in a tropical paradise and they wanted to experience something new. A few months ago Vegas had revealed he had never seen snow before. Pete had visited Cologne Christmas market two years previously with his uncle, aunt and cousin and he wanted to share the magic of a European Christmas market with Vegas. With Vegas having missed out on a proper childhood, Pete thought he would appreciate the chance to relax and recapture his youth.
Vienna, being a capital city brimming with culture, was an ideal destination for a culture vulture like Vegas.
Pete had known from the first time they had met Vegas had hidden depths that he hid from the rest of the world. The more they got to know each other, Pete discovered more layers to his husband's personality than he ever dreamed of. Sure, Vegas was a gangster and a psychopath but underneath the scary exterior lay a cultured, intelligent and sophisticated man who enjoyed the arts, literature and all types of music. Pete had secured highly sought after tickets for a performance of the Nutcracker by the Vienna state ballet. Pete had seen a production of Swan Lake by the Royal ballet in Convent Garden in London and had been hooked on the exquisite art form ever since. Vegas had never been to a ballet performance before, so Pete wanted to surprise him. The tickets were booked for the last night of their honeymoon so Pete was hoping his heat and Vegas' rut would have passed by then.
As he shifted into a more comfortable position on the soft bed, Vegas woke up suddenly and for a moment a look of genuine fear flashed in his eyes, before his eyes found his adorable Omega laying next to him.
"It's ok, I'm here" Pete soothed while stroking his Alpha's face, "I'm not going anywhere".
Vegas sat up and cradled his Omega to his chest. He released a deep sigh of relief, Pete was still beside him, for now everything was ok.
"Are you ok? Are you in pain? What can I get for you?" Vegas fussed frantically.
"You have a slight fever, should you be travelling today? We can postpone everything if you are not feeling well" Vegas said worriedly.
"I will be fine. We are going by private jet. You told me there is even a bed on board, We can both rest on the flight. If I take some Ibuprofen then I will be good to go" Pete smiled softly and reassuringly.
After taking a shower and eating breakfast, Vegas continued to fuss over Pete until even Pete's patience started to wear thin.
"My angel, please can you sit down next to me for a moment?" Pete said kindly while patting the space next to him on the bed.
Once Vegas had seated himself beside his husband, Pete held Vegas' face in both his hands, looked him straight in the eyes and said "My angel, you know I love you so much, right?", Vegas nodded panicking on the inside, 'what if Pete was tired of him and wanted to leave?' he thought worriedly.
"You also know I'm so grateful for everything you do for me?" Pete continued.
Vegas nodded again, the crippling anxiety he felt making him nauseous.
"Can you please do one more thing for me?" Pete asked tenderly.
'As long as you don't ask me to let you go' Vegas thought desperately.
"Yes of course sweetheart, I would do anything for you" Vegas forced a smile to cover up the anguish he felt inside.
"Can you please calm down, you're like a hen on hot bricks. This is your honeymoon too, please try and chill out and enjoy it. I'm not going to break just because you popped my cherry" Pete laughed.
Vegas let out a deep exhale, everything was ok, Pete didn't want to leave him.
"I know, I just never cared for anyone after sex before. I have never provided aftercare in my whole life. I just used to 'nail and bail', I want to take care of you properly sweetheart" Vegas admitted nervously. He hated Pete knowing how much of a piece of shit he had been in the past, Pete's opinion of him actually mattered to him.
"Your so cute, do you know that?" Pete said pinching Vegas' cheeks lightly before pressing a gentle kiss to his anxious Alpha's lips.
"Come here" Pete held out his arms and beckoned Vegas to come closer. Vegas willingly allowed Pete to hold him while he nuzzled his nose into Pete's scent gland. Their mixed aroma calmed him down and he started to feel the tension in his body ease.
"Cute isn't something I have ever been described as before" Vegas laughed, finally beginning to relax.
"Well, it will be our little secret then" Pete winked cheekily, "Should we go? We don't have much time left before our flight".
After taking some pain relief, Vegas and Pete left the hotel for Suvarnabhumi International Airport, where the Minor family's private jet awaited them.
"Woah! Is this for real? It's freakin' huge!" Pete exclaimed in both surprise and delight.

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