When two become one (Part one)

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Chapter 11

A/N - The picture above represents the aisle that Vegas and Pete would walk down, just imagine a blue carpet and blue and black flowers mixed in with the white flowers.

The early morning sun filtered through the small gap in the blue silk curtains that hung in front of Pete's bedroom window. As Pete roused from his deep and peaceful slumber it took a few seconds for the reality to dawn on him, this is his wedding day. He stretched out his limbs to aid him in awakening himself from his sleepy state and enjoyed a few medative moments of relaxation before his peace would be shattered and the chaotic activities of the day would begin. All too soon he was disturbed by a gentle knock on his bedroom door, putting an end to the blissful daydreams of his 'soon to be' husband.
"Come in" he sighed resignedly as he reluctantly allowed his vision of Vegas to disappate into the surrounding air.
When the door opened he was greeted by the sight of his father standing in the doorway with a weak smile trying hard to disguise the the concern in his chocolate brown eyes.
"How are you feeling, my little treasure?" Mr Saengtham asked trying to sound as upbeat as possible.
"Really, really great" Pete smiled back as he shifted himself to sit up in his bed, "I'm nervous but really happy".
"I have brought you some breakfast my son" Pete's father then asked the maid to set the tray filled with food on the bedside table.
"Dad, not even I can eat all that" Pete laughed merrily.
"I thought we could eat together, just the two of us since it's your last breakfast here while you are still living under my roof" Mr Saengtham smiled softly.
Pete noticed his father was far more emotional than usual, the ageing Alpha strictly controlled his emotions in public, he wasn't the type to show weakness in front of strangers. His father was once a feared mafia lord, who only showed his true feelings to his family, but today Pete noticed his father was struggling to hold back the tears in his eyes.
"Dad, I'm just getting married, I'm not emigrating again, I will be living just a few miles away. I will still come over and eat with you, help you with your work and hang out with everyone" Pete laughed as he tried his best to lighten his father's somber mood .
"I know son, but you're my youngest child, my little treasure. I can't get my head around the fact that you are now fully grown and soon you may have a family of your own" said Mr Saengtham as he finally allowed a few stray tears fall.
"Listen if you ever change your mind and want to come home, just give your old Dad a call and I will raise an army to get you back" Mr Saengtham ruffled his son's hair playfully to indicate he was joking, but Pete knew there was an underlying truth to his words. If things ever did go badly wrong between him and Vegas, he knew his father really would carry out his promise to raise an army and bring him home.
"Seriously though, I believe Vegas will take care of you, he reminds me of myself at his age. I showed no emotion to other people in public, I treated a lot of people with indifference but your mother changed me, I worshiped her with my whole heart. I believe Vegas is the same with you, but if he ever does hurt you, just let me know, he may be known as 'the devil' but I don't give a rats backside about that. If he hurts you in anyway, I will lock him in a cage with tigers and let the beasts have at him while he's still alive" Mr Saengtham promised.
"I believe in Vegas' love for me. I don't think you will ever need to call upon the tigers Dad" Pete laughed affectionately, he was so grateful for his father's unconditional love.
Mr Saengtham encouraged Pete to start eating, saying Pete would need all the energy he could get to make it through the long day ahead.
After they had shared the food on the breakfast tray Mr Saengtham said "I have something for you, something you can use as your 'something old'". The older man then produced a small box from his pocket and passed it to Pete so he could discover what lay inside. Pete gasped in amazement when he opened the box and spied a solid gold bracelet with a charm attached.

 Pete gasped in amazement when he opened the box and spied a solid gold bracelet with a charm attached

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