Hangovers and heartbreak

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Chapter 4

Vegas sighed exhaustedly staring blankly at the floor length mirror. His reflection stared back at him with cold, dead eyes. He wrinkled his forehead and frowned frustratedly. The bruise on his chiselled jaw had still not faded, just another reminder of his father's volitile temper. He had graduated from college a year ago and had been working full time in the mafia ever since. The years of constant abuse at the hands of his father had gradually taken its toll until the monsterous man had squeezed every last drop of self confidence and happiness out of him. He had ceased being able to cry long ago and now existed from day to day on autopilot. The optimism he once felt about meeting his Omega and finally being able to experience true love and an everlasting bond had slowly eroded away. The only emotions he had left were lust, blind rage, but he mostly felt numb. He couldn't even feel sadness anymore as every sunrise he woke up to emptyness echoing throughout his whole body. He once again let out a deeply depressing sigh and ran his hands through his silky smooth hair.
'Show time' he thought as he psyched himself up to endure the night ahead of him. It was his cousin Tankhun's birthday and he knew he could not avoid the occasion, however much he dearly wished to.
"Are you ready Hia? Pa is waiting for us" Macau shouted through the bedroom door while knocking loudly. Vegas plastered on his best fake smile, opened the door and stepped out to meet his little brother.
"Shall we get this over with?" Macau asked while rolling his eyes.
"We will just stay long enough for the drama Queen to cut the cake then we will leave as soon as possible" promises Vegas while reassuring Macau with a strained smile.
Travelling in the car to the Major family mansion was a very tense affair. Vegas seated himself between Macau and his father shielding his little brother as he always did from the cruel mafia leader.
"Don't either of you two imbeciles even think of messing up tonight" Kan spat viciously.
"We cannot appear weak in front of the Major family. If either one of you mess up, you will both be punished. Do you understand me?". "Yes Pa" replied Vegas with a monotonic tone. "What about you boy?" Kan questioned with contempt.
"Answer me. Do you even have a voice? You had better start speaking up for yourself instead of hiding behind your big brother. It's time you grew a pair of balls and became a man instead of staying quiet as a mouse all the time. Macau the mouse" Kan laughed bitterly.
"That's what they will call you. I will not tolerate weakness, do you fucking hear me? In this business shit sticks, once you have a reputation for weakness everyone will come for for you".
"Pa, Macau knows how to behave in society. He won't mess up" Vegas replied trying to disguise the anger in his voice. His father was really pissing him off now.
"We have arrived sir" Nop the bodyguard/chauffeur for the evening intervened, he despised the way his boss treated his children. In a final warning to the two siblings, Kan stated "Remember, do not cause me any kind of embarrassment tonight" before Nop opened the door for the hot tempered head of the Minor family.
As the Minor family entered the Major family mansion Macau and Vegas noticed Porsche once again eyeing him up hungrily.
'Aagghh! Too many annoying bitches to endure tonight' Vegas thought to himself irritably.
"Is that guy still hoping to get with you Hia?" Macau asked in disbelief, "it's been years, you would think he would give up already".
"I have one last idea on how to shake him off for good, but it's brutal and I don't want you to copy my actions, you are better than that. Do as I say and not as I do" Vegas warned his brother.
"So what's the plan then?" Macau asked curiously.
"I'm going to break his heart" Vegas replied coldly.
"Oh, ok. Just be careful Hia, the heart is a fragile thing, break it too badly and it may never recover" Macau murmured quietly with a sad and distant look upon his face.
"How do you know that? Who hurt you Macau? Tell me I will fucking kill them" Vegas questioned his brother.
"Relax Hia, it's not me who suffered a heartbreak, it's my friend from college. A year ago his boyfriend cheated on him and it changed him. He isn't the same person as he used to be" Macau explained sadly.
"Ok, as long as you are fine I don't care about anybody else" Vegas said patting his little brother's shoulder gently.
The mansion was decorated in typical Tankhun fashion. The colour scheme was outlandish and and garish making Vegas' eyes almost bleed. Bright green and hot pink were the colours of the evening, giving Vegas the feeling of experiencing a bad psychedelic drugs trip. Macau and Vegas viewed the crowd of people with perpetual boredom. The same old faces that were at every event they were required to attend littered the overly decorated room.
Vegas followed his Pa with his eyes as he first greeted his brother Korn and then another middle aged gentleman. Vegas' eyes widened in shocking realisation the second he recognised the other man with the domineering presence. Mr Saengtham stood with his father and uncle exchanging pleasantries, each man with a fake smile painted on their aging faces. A small smile spread across Vegas' face.
'If Mr Saengtham is here then his sons must be here too' Vegas thought. He scanned the room quickly spotting Abhisit and Damrong talking to Kinn and Tawan near the buffet tables. Uninterested in Mr Saengtham's older children he kept looking around eagerly trying to spot the youngest son Pete.
'Pete' he thought dreamily as he recalled the little sweetie in the CCTV footage from the ice cream shop five years ago. The little beauty with the tantalising pineapple scent. He would be of age now, so it would no longer be inappropriate to approach him.
"Vegas, Macau" his father's harsh voice broke into his thoughts, his little fantasy disappating into the surrounding air. To Vegas listening to his father's irksome voice was like falling on barbed wire then rolling down a hill, extremely painful.
"Come and greet Mr Saengtham" Kan ordered.
Macau and Vegas both stepped forward trying to appear confident but humble in their elders company. They both performed a wai in respect towards their uncle and Mr Saengtham respectively. "It's nice to see you both again, Vegas and Macau" Mr Saengtham smiled warmly in complete contrast to his intimidating aura.
"Nice to see you too sir" answered Vegas and Macau in unison. Mr Saengtham chuckled merrily.
"Please call me Uncle, I have known your uncle Korn and your father for years".
"Thank you uncle" Vegas replied cautiously, knowing that you could not trust people in their world so easily. Everyone always had an ulterior motive for being friendly.
"Vegas I think you have met two of my sons who are now talking with your cousin Kinn and his husband" Mr Saengtham said.
"Yes sir, I have met them before at previous social events" Vegas replied respectfully.
"I will have to introduce you to my youngest son, Pete, he will return from the UK in the next few days. He has just graduated with a degree from Oxford University" stated Mr Saengtham proudly, but not boastfully.
"Oxford University, that's very impressive" Kan said.
"Yes I sent him abroad because there are more opportunities for Omegas and he can meet a variety of different people" answered Mr Saengtham.
"So your son is an intellectual then" asked Kan curiously.
"He graduated with a first class degree with honors Economics and Management. I am very proud of him. I wanted to bring him home with me a few days ago but he stayed on to celebrate a friend's birthday before returning home. His cousin Amonsak will escort him home and stay with us to gain work experience at my company" smiled Mr Saengtham.
"I would very much like to meet him sir" Vegas smiled genuinely for the first time in a long time.
After a little more small talk Porchay and Kim arrived to rescue Macau and brought him to the dance floor, while Vegas made his way around the room greeting as many people as possible.
As Porsche stood guard at main entrance to the room, a nauseating feeling formed in his gut as every person who was single under the age of 40 flirted with Vegas and made it abundantly clear that they were available to him for the night. His heart grew heavier as he ached for the man he had fallen in love with at first sight five years ago when he first began working at the Major family mansion. He longed for Vegas to properly notice him and take him seriously but in all these years Vegas had never given him a second glance.
'Why won't you notice me' Porsche thought in desperation.
Tankhun interrupted Porsche's melancholy thoughts with his sudden and not so subtle arrival. After making his grand and most would say embarrassing entrance, Tankhun floated around the room fully enjoying his 27th birthday party. After two hours of dancing and socialising Tankhun cut his six tier birthday cake and soon after some of the guests made their excuses and left. A little while later When Porsche eyed Vegas leaving the bathroom with a richly dressed and good looking society boy, he almost lost his composure. Tears began to form in his eyes and he wanted nothing more than to go back to his room and cry his heart and soul out.
When the other boy left him, Vegas spotted Porsche staring at him from across the room in anguish. After another unfulfilling blow job Vegas started to make his way over to Porsche. 'Time to break his heart, he's been chasing me for years. If breaking his heart doesn't work I will just have to settle for breaking his bones instead' those dark thoughts ran through Vegas' mind.
'He's nothing special, just an average looking bodyguard but he may just help me vent all my frustrations out tonight' Vegas sighed tiredly.
'I shouldn't bother with him really but I'm in the mood to score tonight and any holes a goal right?'.
Putting on his most charming fake smile he approached Porsche and whispered seductively in his ear, "Meet me at Moonlight Motel in two hours. I think we could have a lot of fun together". He gave Porsche a suggestive wink then walked away to ensure Macau reached home safely.
Porsche stared after the object of his desire in disbelief.
'He finally noticed me' he thought almost wetting his pants in delight. This was his chance to bag his dream man.
'Tonight I'm going to treat you so good you're never going to want to let me go' he thought happily. Little did he know how wrong he was.

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