Stag do's and stag don'ts

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Chapter 9

"I wish we could spend this day together" Vegas sighed as he pulled his favourite person closer, nuzzled his nose into his Omega's soft hair and deeply inhaled Pete's favourite citrus shampoo.
"I know, my angel", Vegas smiled at the term of endearment, Pete had recently taken to calling him 'his dark angel', "but they don't allow Omegas to take part on the motorcycle tour" Pete said pouting. It would have been a great experience to share.
"Maybe one day we can travel abroad and try it there. Amonsak and I went to a great little place a few miles away from my aunt and uncle's home, when we were at university. They allow Omegas to take part in pretty much everything over there" Pete consoled his disappointed Alpha. Pete was disappointed too, he could ride a motorcycle very well but was forbidden by law to have a motorcycle licence in the country of his birth, he was only able to be a passenger.
He would have enjoyed riding the dirt tracks and having the adrenaline and the feeling of freedom rushing through his veins.
"It sucks that I have more freedom than you. I can to do whatever I want and you are restricted all the time, just because of our secondary genders. It's fucking ridiculous" Vegas growled as the anger started to rise and his blood began to boil.
Vegas hated being apart from Pete for too long, he had grown accustomed to the love and care Pete showed him. If they were apart for more than a couple of hours, Vegas found himself worrying if Pete was ok, if he had eaten well and if he was safe. He found he missed Pete's company and so as soon as he left work meetings he would immediately dial Pete's number just so he could hear his voice. The nights were the worst for him but the couple video called every night until one of them fell asleep first.
"It's ok, I don't think Tankhun and Tay would enjoy it much anyway" Pete giggled as he pictured his two friends, who hated getting sweaty and dirty, in full motorcycle gear trying to learn how to ride.
"Screw Tankhun and Tay. It's our stag party and we should do the things we enjoy. I will make the bastard company let you join in. I will threaten them and force them to allow you to ride" Vegas promised in a resentful tone.
"First of all, no thanks, I am saving myself for you and secondly, I do like going shopping. Tonight we are having a joint party at your club so we will celebrate together later" Pete answered while reaching up to caress his Alpha's cheek.
A smile broke out on Vegas' face at the thought of Pete saving himself for him.
A loving feeling fluttered inside his chest and down to his stomach, which calmed his bad mood immensely.
'Just two more days Vegas and he will be all yours' he encouraged himself. He had waited twenty three years to meet his soulmate, he could wait another two days.
"I promise you, one day, when I have enough power, I will make those idiots who run the country change the laws. I will do anything it takes for you to live a life with no restrictions. I will kidnap them and torture them until they change everything" Vegas vowed.
"Thank you my angel" Pete smiled brightly. Other people living outside of the mafia world would have been terrified to hear such promises, but Pete knew, as twisted as it may be, this was Vegas' way of showing he cared. It was one of his versions of a romantic gesture.
"You're right, sweetheart" Vegas said returning to Pete's earlier point, "we will only be apart for a few hours. I will battle through until I can hold you in my arms again" Vegas' hot breath tickled Pete's ear as he whispered the sweet words into his fiancé's ear.
"Fighting!" Pete teased as he raised his little fist in the air.
"Thank goodness Macau, your brothers, Amonsak and my friends are going along too. They will keep me sane and prevent me from punching that smug smile right off of Kinn's face" Vegas said bitterly. "I only invited him to keep the peace. Kim won't be a bother, he hates Kinn's arrogance as much as I do. That's the reason why he lives alone in his own place".
"You can do this. I know you can" Pete encouraged. "Just be the bigger person and don't let him get to you. Don't allow him to spoil your day. There will be plenty of other people to speak to" Pete soothed his angry Alpha with a peck to the side of his neck.
"Aaaahhhh sweetie, don't do that until after our wedding" Vegas laughed pulling away slightly so Pete wouldn't feel his cock hardening in his pants.
"You wearing this leather jacket is such a turn on" Pete breathed heavily as he licked his plump bottom lip and ran his now slightly sweaty palms over Vegas' biker jacket.
"You like me in leather, sweetheart?" Vegas said with the raise of an eyebrow as the arousal arose inside of him.
"Yes, it makes you look soooo.... hot and sooooo.... sexy" Pete continued as his breath hitched and his cheeks blushed adorably.
"You had better go before I break our promise to wait until our wedding night" Pete said before reluctantly untangling himself from his Alpha's arms.
'Just two more days Pete' he thought longingly, he never knew he was this horny before he met Vegas.
"I think I should go too before I also abandon our promise, throw you over my shoulder and take you upstairs to your bedroom" Vegas threatened before he caught his beautiful Omega in his arms again and tickled him until Pete couldn't stand it anymore.
As two pairs of eyes met, an intense passion filled lingering stare passed between them.
The taller man leaned in and kissed the smaller, tongues tangled together and saliva was swapped until everything around them blurred into nothingness.
"Are you finished snogging the face off my cousin?" Amonsak's voice shattered the sensual mood into a million pieces.
Pete blushed deeply as he spotted his two older brothers, his cousin and their university friends who had arrived a few days ago giggling amongst themselves at their friend being caught in a passionate clinch with his fated mate.
Vegas stood tall and wore a proud grin on his handsome and slightly flushed face "It's not my fault I have the world's most beautiful Omega as my fiancé" he boasted.
"I hate to drag you two lovebirds away from each other but we have to pick up Macau before we go to meet your cousins and friends at the helicopters" Amonsak grinned.
"More importantly, we have to protect our little brother's honour before his wedding" Abhisit chipped in.
"Until tonight then sweetheart" Vegas smiled lovingly before he kissed Pete's still blushing cheeks, bid every one who was going with Pete goodbye and left the mansion with the two other Alphas and the Beta.
"Pete you are so lucky" Penny, a pretty blonde Omega gushed as she held Pete's hand in delight, "your Alpha is so handsome, but not more handsome than mine obviously".
"Vegas is the most gorgeous being to ever walk the earth" Pete said dreamily as he watched the cars drive away through the open front door.
"Tay, Tankhun, Tawan and Porchay will arrive soon" he said trying to cover his embarrassment at the continuing teasing looks he was getting from his friends.
They made a cheerful group of six, three Omegas, including Pete, Penny and Ben, two Betas, Duncan and Owain and one Alpha female called 'big Stacey'. They called her 'big Stace' because as an Alpha she was taller than the other females and some of the males in the group.
Pete had just enough time to compose himself before the forces of nature known as Tankhun and Tay accompanied by the calm natured Tawan and Porchay entered the Saengtham family mansion.
"Don't fret people, now I'm here the party can get started" Tankhun yelled. Every one held their breath as Tankhun scrutinised everyone's look before squealing happily and announcing they were all approved to join the 'cutie crowd'.
"I've never been described as 'cute' before" big Stace giggled.
"Oh but you are" Tankhun admired the impressive and attractive Alpha female, "you must embrace your uniqueness and be proud, just like me".
"Thanks Tankhun, if you think it then it must be true" big Stace smiled brightly.
Pete then made the introductions before Tay asked "Shall we go?"
"Are you ready my little cutie Pete?" Tankhun asked and without awaiting an answer he took Pete in his arms and swept him outside to the awaiting transport.
"Holy shit!" Tay exclaimed in shock, as the most outrageous looking vehicle he he'd ever seen pulled up outside Pete's house.
"Don't blame me" he whispered in Pete's ear. "I had nothing to do with this".

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