Promises and proposals

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Chapter 8

Major Family Mansion

"Pa, I have news" Kinn burst into his father's office slightly breathlessly.
"What is it son?" Korn held back his irritation.
He hated the disrespect of someone bursting into his private space, even if said person was his son and heir.
"Ken just told me Vegas is planning on proposing to Pete today" Kinn said with distaste on the tip of his tongue. It wasn't that Kinn particularly hated Pete, it is his cousin he despises and anyone connected to his cousin is a potential threat to the Major family's empire.
"Do you want anything done about it? Should I send anyone to sabotage it in some way?" Kinn asked, seeking his father's approval for his despicable plans.
"Why would you do that son?" Korn asked Kinn with boredom, "it would be a very petty thing to do, wouldn't it?".
"So you don't want to spoil Vegas' plans then?" Kinn asked, more than slightly put out by his father's lack of interest in this latest development.
Korn sighed at his supposedly 'adult' son's childish behaviour.
"Look my boy, at some point Vegas will have to marry and will have to produce an heir of his own so they can carry on the Minor family tradition of being the Major family's skivvies. His children will do your children's dirty work. That's the Minor family's reason to exist" Korn laughed callously.
"At least the boy is from a respectable family. Just let them have their day and let them have their wedding day too, as long as Vegas does nothing against us we will leave them alone" Korn ordered, "besides we don't want to piss old Saegnathem off unless absolutely necessary. Who knows what tricks that old dog hides up his sleeves".
"Ok Pa" Kinn agreed feeling aggrieved that he couldn't enjoy seeing his cousin being upset and miserable once again.
"Leave Vegas alone for now. Don't do anything to upset the apple cart" Korn ordered in a dark tone while pointing with his fountain pen directly at his son, which made Kinn realise his father would inflict a serious punishment on him if he disobeyed.

Saengtham Family Mansion

"Have you got everything son?" Mr Saengtham asked Vegas as they waited for Pete to come downstairs.
"Yes Dad, everything is taken care of" Vegas responded apprehensively while expelling a nervous breath from his body.
"Don't be nervous son, today is a day to enjoy yourself and relax. Don't worry so much, he's not going to say no" Mr Saengtham chuckled,
"It will all be fine and don't worry about Macau, he will spend the day as an intern at my company. If he does well he can do a full internship there alongside his college classes. Just enjoy this day, ideally it should only happen once in a lifetime".
"It will definitely only happen this once for me. There will never be anyone else I would marry besides Pete" Vegas replied confidently.
"Pleased to hear that son, now remember relax and enjoy. Ahh, here he is, speak of the devil and he shall appear" Mr Saengtham said jokingly.
"This time I will have to disagree with you Dad, there's no way he's a devil, he's my angel" Vegas replied lovingly.
"I know, he's always been a good boy" said Mr Saengtham, "remember son, you've got this".
As Pete descended the grand staircase he froze at the seductive sight of his Alpha standing next to his father with a new hairstyle and grasping a single red rose in his right hand.
"Oh my god, he looks gorgeous" Pete thought as he struggled to calm his rapidly beating heart. The very sight of the strands of dark hair framing Vegas' face made his mind start to wonder to some very naughty places.
As their eyes met they shared a loving smile and Pete hurried into his waiting Alphas open arms.

"Your new hairstyle looks breathtakingly beautiful" Pete complemented while receiving the token of Vegas' love in the form of the red rose.
"Ahem" Mr Saengtham let out a dramatic fake cough and said "remember you have company my son".
"Sorry Dad" Pete answered with a slight blush.
"Do you like it sweetheart? I thought it was time to mix things up a bit. Since I now have a new outlook on life, I thought I would change my look a little too" Vegas smiled brightly.
"You look good all the time, but as long as it makes you happy then I love it too" Pete said blessing Vegas' cheek with a precious kiss.
Vegas then thanked Mr Saengtham for helping him and Macau over the short time he had known them.
"Enjoy your day and call your old Dad later, let me know you are both safe" said Mr Saengtham before waving them both off at the front door.
"So where are we going today, Vegas?" Pete asked brimming with both excitement and curiosity.
"I'm going to take you to the beach, you like beaches, right?" Vegas asked rhetorically, he didn't need an answer as he knew his sweetheart loved the beach.
The journey to Chonburi province took a approximately two and a half hours. They could have taken a helicopter and cut the travel time down but Vegas valued his alone time with Pete greatly.
They passed the time singing along to their favourite songs and talking with each other. In the past if Vegas had to spent a long time alone with someone who wasn't his brother, in a tight space, he would have never lasted. He would have lost his temper easily, but with Pete there were no awkward silences or irritation whatsoever.
At last they arrived at the location along with ten cars filled with bodyguards.

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