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Jo gives Arizona the clothes, before stepping out of the room to give Meredith some privacy to change.
"I'm sorry Zona" Meredith apologised once she was changed,
"Why are you saying sorry, Mer you didn't do anything wrong" Arizona asked confused as she looked at her wife, and finished helping to clean the vomit off her.
"You shouldn't have to been cleaning me up" Meredith replied sinking into herself,
"Mer honey I love you and your sick of course I'm going to look after you" Arizona cooed gently rubbing Meredith's cheek.
Just then Jo returned to the room, giving Meredith a sympathetic smile.
"Secrets out I suppose" Meredith said, laughing slightly as she looked at Jo
"Meredith why didn't you tell me, or anyone for that matter?" Jo asked concerned for her friend.
"I didn't want everyone to know, that's why I had Miranda tell everyone I was just of sick, but I think people are going to start to realise soon. I'm officially taking medical leave now, and I don't know when I will return to work" Meredith explained looking sadly at Arizona.
"Oh love, I think that's the best idea" Arizona replied glad her wife was putting herself first for once.
"I'm so sorry Mer, do the kids know?"
Jo asked sitting down next to Meredith.
"Sofia and Zola do, we've told them everything, that Meredith has cancer, what kind what that means, that the medicine that will hopefully make her better is going to maker her sicker first. We explained to them the medicine Mer was receiving first wasn't working so now she's trying a more aggressive one, we think they are old enough to know." Arizona explained for Meredith.
"But Bailey and Ellis just know that Mamma is sick, we haven't explained to them what kinda sick. They just know that I'm sick and it's not the kind of sick that goes away overnight" Meredith continued smiling at Arizona.
"That makes sense Mer, I'm so sorry. Do you need anything?" Jo asked, concerned for Meredith.
"No I'm ok thank Jo," Meredith replied before yawning.
"Oh mer, come go back to sleep get some more rest, I'll be waiting her for you when you wake up." Arizona cooed, Jo took this as her cue to leave smiling at Meredith and Arizona as she left.
Meredith shortly fell asleep, leaning into Arizona's embrace.
A few hours later Meredith was still asleep she had woken up periodically and chatted to Arizona but had been too tired to really do anything. As Meredith slept Arizona noticed she had started to shiver a bit, carefully she got up and grabbed an extra blanket from the stack Miranda had left. Miranda had remembered from when Izzie got her chemo that it had made her very cold. Arizona sighed as she watched her wife sleep, she hated seeing her like this. Arizona had always hated it when Meredith even got so much as a cold not cause she didn't like looking after her quite the opposite actually she loved looking after and doting on Meredith but Meredith would always refuse any help, which meant she ended up suffering more and Arizona hated to see Meredith suffer. Just as she just looking at Meredith she suddenly woke up,
A: mer you ok?
Meredith shook her head quickly pointing at the bucket that had been left for her. Arizona quickly grabbed the bucket getting it underneath Meredith just in time, as Meredith started to throw up again.
"Oh mer, it's ok" Arizona cooed as she gently rubbed Meredith's back.
"I hate this zona"Meredith cried once she had finished throwing up,
"I know Meri, I hate it too buts it's ok it's going to get better" Arizona cooed hoping to comfort her wife, just then Dr Bailey returned to the room.
"Oh Mer" she sighed saddened for her friend, "I was coming in to let you know that you will receive another dose of chemo tomorrow then pending how you are you should be discharged after your chemo tomorrow and you will have a 3day break before you return for another dose of chemo. I know it seems intense but it's out best chance of killing all the cancer." Miranda explained.
"Thanks Mandy" Arizona replied "you hear that mer you can go home tomorrow" Arizona said turning to Meredith. Meredith just semi-smiled back at her still shaken up from throwing up earlier.
"Ok let me just take meredith vitals then I'll let you to be" Miranda explained before quickly checking in Meredith and leaving the room.
"Do you want to maybe watch a movie mer?" Arizona asked, smiling at meredith.
"I suppose" meredith replied tired
"What movie my love?" Arizona asked
"Can we watch Blind Trust, the main chick is hot" Meredith laughed
"Hey..." Arizona shot back but put the movie on anyway.

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