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Alone in the woods was a small crying baby, its parents having left it abandoned for unknown reasons. Thunderous footsteps approach the child as a shadow is cast over it. A large white taion/ claw reaches out pulling the infants blankets back. "Poor child, why are you here alone?" The creature asks in a soft gentle tone making the baby look to the creature with its crying getting quieter. "Humans are cruel creatures to leave one of there own out here, you will die like this" gently picking up the child they start moving, the child getting out a small laugh being picked up and carried "I suppose I'll take you with me and make sure you live, I think ill call you Y/n"

(Five years later)

A young boy runs out of a cave looking over a large wide open field.

Y/n: "Gregga?, mom where are you?"

The young boy calls while scanning the area. What he did not see was the one he was calling nor did he see a large figure talking up behind him. The creature being a large dragon spreading its wings before letting out an ear piercing roar.

 The creature being a large dragon spreading its wings before letting out an ear piercing roar

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Hearing the roar the boy looks back and a smile comes across his face as he shouts out. 

Y/n: "Gregga!"

Running to the large dragon he hugs one of its forelegs earning a slight chuckle from the dragon as it lowers her head to the boy. 

Gregga: "Someone seems to have gotten a late start, its nearly noon"

Y/n: "I was having a good dream and I wanted to know how it ends"

Gregga: she giggles "Such a lazy child and yet strong too, since you missed early training why not show me that move I taught you yesterday"

Y/n: "Do i have to" he complained

Gregga: "Yes my little dragonling, we won't go hunting otherwise" she stated 

Y/n: Groaning he complied "Fine"

Turning to face the the wide open field, taking in a deep breath a magic circle appears. 

Y/n: "Apocalypse dragon: Roar!" 

The attack unleashed left a deep long trail/ crater in the earth stretching on into the distance. 

Gregga: "Impress-" 

Y/n: "Wait for it" he cuts her off

After a few moments water began to rush in from the distance filling in the damage from the boys magic. 

Y/n: "I aimed for the large puddle to the west, now we have our own stream"

Gregga: "Hmm, did you do that just so you wouldn't have to go far for baths?"

Y/n: ".....Maybe"

Gregga: sighs "Your smart but so lazy at the same time, come now lets go hunting you must be hungry"

The walking Apocalypse (Fairy Tail x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now