Chapter 6

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It would be the next day at fairy tail and Mirajane comes down the stairs of the second floor in a hurry. 

Mira: "Master! I don't know what happened but one of the S-class quests is missing"

In response master Makarov spat out his coffee

Wakaba: "What, one of the jobs from the second floor is missing?"

Macao: "But the jobs up there are S-class quests. Anyone know who took off with it?"

Laki: "Well it's either someone really strong or really stupid"

Laxus: "I know" he spoke making everyone look to him "A little blue cat flew up here and ripped it off the board"

Mira:  "It was Happy?"

This news caused everyone in the guild hall to start talking calling it risky or stupid. 

Laxus: "That's a serious breech of the rules. Hey gramps, stuff like that would get you kicked out of the guild am I right? Not that it matters, not like those losers are gonna make it back alive from an S-class quest"

Mira: "Laxus, if you saw it why didn't you stop him"

Laxus: "Oh lighten up, all I saw was a blue cat flying off with a piece of paper in it's mouth tryin to act all sneaky. I had no idea it was Happy, besides, Natsu's not cleared for S-Class. I never dreamed he'd break the rules" as he speaks Mira gives Laxus a hard look "Haven't given me that look in a while"

Makarov: (This isn't good) "Well witch job was it?"

Mira: "For lifting the curse on galuna island"

Makarov: "What! Laxus go and fetch them at once!"

Laxus: "Yeah right, I got better things to do gramps. Besides everybody in fairy tail is supposed to be able to take care of themselves right?"

Makarov: "I don't care how you feel about Natsu, the fact is your the only one strong enough to bring him back by force!"

Gray suddenly stands up

Gray: "Sorry master, but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to disagree with you"

With that said Makarov agrees to let Gray go and get Natsu

(Time skippage)

Walking through the doors of Fairy tail Y/n lets out a small yawn while stretching his arms. Ashe is seen sitting on his shoulders rubbing the sleep from her eyes. 

Y/n: "I love taking a late start to the day, I get more sleep time" 

Ashe: "Yeah but we are running low on money so we probably need a job soon"

Y/n: "Yeah yeah, let's see what there is to offer"

Just as he was about to head to the job's bored Erza approaches him with a serious expression on her face. 

Erza: "Y/n"

Y/n: "What's up red, you look something ticked you off"

Erza: "It's Natsu, Happy and Lucy. They took a job from the second floor, I need your help to bring them back. Master sent Gray but he has yet to return."

Y/n: "Hmm yeah alright"

Erza: "That's rather quick to agree, didn't expect you to be so calm"

Y/n: "Oh no don't get me wrong I'm gonna beat Natsu into the dirt when we find him, I only want one thing in return. The reward money from the quest, funds are running low and this way I don't have to take another job later."

The walking Apocalypse (Fairy Tail x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now