Chapter 3

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After taking out the rest of the eisanwald wizards, even Lucy showed some of her celestial wizard magic. Soon only one remained who promptly ran away after seeing his comrades be taken out so easily. 

Y/n: Yawning "Hey one guy is getting away"

Erza: "I would imagine hes going to look for Erigor, Lucy you should fallow him"

Lucy: "Who me?"

Erza: "Just do it!"

Lucy: "Whatever you say, I don't wanna make you angry" she quickly runs off

Once Lucy is gone Y/n falls to a knee breathing a bit hard as Erza gets down next to him. 

Erza: "We both over did it a bit with the Magic mobile please forgive me"

Y/n: "It's no problem, just need a little sleep, thanks red." he then looks up "You think Natsu and Gray are gonna be able to work together?"

Erza: "I hope so"

Y/n's eyes slowly start to close until hes out like a light completely asleep.

Y/n pov

In Y/n's dream 

I'm in the old cave that me and Gregga live in, looking around I see the large pale white wings of my mother as her sleeping form only makes minor moments witch is her breathing. I miss these moments with her, dreams like this are the only way I can see her again until I find out what happens to her.

Just like always in this dream I walk out of the cave looking up at the night sky feeling the cold air against my face while moonlight shined down. Its then that the moonlight gets blocked by something large above me. Looking up at it I can see is it's colors, Black and crimson Red. The large object then lands before me looking down as it towers over my smaller form before speaking. 

???: "Is she asleep?"

I only nodded with a small smile knowing whats to come next. 

???: "Good, now then lets begin"

Then things got blurry as I knew I was waking up. 

Nobody pov

Y/n opened his eyes and let out a yawn while stretching his arms. Looking around he sees that he is in the back of the magic mobile next to Lucy. Across from them sits Gray along with Kageyama an Eisenwald wizard. 

Y/n: letting out a yawn "What happened what did I miss..... and why do I feel like throwing up..."

Lucy: "Your awake finally"

Gray: "Things are worse then we thought, Erigor is planning on using lullaby on the guild master conference"

Y/n: "Your kidding me, we gotta stop him now" he tried to get up only to sit right back down feeling nauseous

Lucy: "Yeah I don't think you'll be able to move right now"

Ashe: popping out from Y/n's shirt "Were in the magic mobile chasing down there leader, Natsu went ahead so were kinda lagging behind"

Y/n: "Great...." his face goes pale "I hate travailing so much" 

It wasn't long before they caught up to Natsu along with a now unconscious Erigor. Stepping out of the magic mobile Y/n had an arm around Erza helping each other stand.

Lucy: "Natsu!"

Natsu: "Hey, you guys missed seeing me beat Erigor"

Happy: "Aye"

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