Chapter 13

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Y/n: "Where the hell am I!"

I shout out while looking around at my surroundings that I can only describe as some kind of fight pit or arena.

Y/n: "Hello, anyone?!"

I call out aimlessly before feeling something coming from behind. Turning around I felt something small and furry impact my chest knocking me on my ass.

Looking down I see the familiar gray furred face of Ashe who was holding onto my chest like her life depended on it.

Y/n: "Ashe, your okay!"

Ashe: "Y/n, please don't leave me like that again!"

Y/n: "Kinda hard to do that when you were kidnapped..."

Ashe then put her ear to my chest before looking up at me with a worried expression.

Ashe: "Your body, it has poison in it still right?" I can only nod to her "Okay, I'll make you some quick medicine"

???: "I don't think so"

A voice called out as we look to the source seeing some guy with a staff on his back and some kind of cloak covering his face torso.

???: "I think it's time we start playing"

He reached into his cloak pulling out three small pellets that he throws at us. I quickly push Ashe away as the pellets hit me releasing purple and black smoke when they come into contact. The smell and weak feeling I get from them being all to familiar as I recognize it as more celestial serpent venom.

Coughing I call out to Ashe

Y/n: "Ashe, stay back it's that damn snakes poison!"

I barely get time to do much else as the man suddenly charged be jabbing me in the gut with his staff before spinning and smacking me across the face with it, making be stagger back. 

???: "Welcome, Walking Apocalypse. Welcome to your death~ "


Y/n Pov

Looking at the man before me I can feel my body start to tremble and shake. The poison is moving faster now and it's taking all my strength just to move.

???: "I suppose introductions are in order. You may call me, Toxic"

Y/n: "Yeah well it doesn't matter who you are since your in my way"

Mustering all the magic I can I charge up an attack.

Y/n: "Apocalypse Dragon: Roar!"

Unleashing my roar attack I see Toxic side step my attack with ease as I see a smirk under his hood.

Toxic: "My my aren't you a disappointment, and here i thought I would get a real challenge"

I then see him raise his hand as a purple magic circle forms.

Toxic: "Amplify potency!"

I then felt a wave of magic hit me as pain courses though my body.

Toxic: "My magic specializes in poisons and toxins. I can even make them stronger or weaker"

Toxic then charged forward with his staff once again striking me across the face before delivering an overhead strike on me. Usually attacks like this wouldn't hurt but with the poison it feels like i'm being hit with a train each time.

The walking Apocalypse (Fairy Tail x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now