Chapter 7

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Y/n pov

I open my eyes to see a night sky filled with stars. Looking around more I know this place as the area me and Gregga trained in. Taking in a deep breath memories flood my mind of the fond moments we had together. 

I wish I could relive these moments, but like most things. It's only a dream to me. 

???: "Young one, are you ready for the next step?"

Sitting up I look to the one who's speaking to me. A large black and dark red dragon.  

Y/n: "Yeah, I'm ready

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Y/n: "Yeah, I'm ready. Sahqon"

Sahqon: "Good"

I saw him open his mouth about to use his magic, but right wen it was about to be unleashed I was pulled back to the realm of the awake.

Nobody pov

Y/n woke up slowly with a yawn, just in time to see something what gave him a two feelings. The first being relief as a spear cracking the moon, or at least what seemed to be the moon and sky. Once it broke it reveals the real moon and sky behind it.

Y/n: "Took you long enough Red. But wait a second, I thought I saw Natsu's flames on it"

It's then the second feeling came, the feeling being annoying rage at Natsu, remembering why we came here to the Island by boat in the first place. 

Y/n: "Natsu... your a dead man for making me have to go on a freaking boat!"

Making a B-line for the source of the spear finding a village with some kind of celebration going on. The moment he got to the village Ashe flew to him and sat on his shoulder. 

Ashe: "Hey Y/n you missed it. Turns out the villagers were demons with memory loss from the bad guy's spell."

Y/n: "Oh I knew the whole time, but I still have one question"

Ashe: "Hm?"

Y/n: "Where's Natsu"

Almost on que Natsu called out seeing him 

Natsu: "Hey Y/n took you long enough"

Y/n didn't reply, only cracking his knuckles as he approached the fire dragon slayer. Natsu was a bit confused until the first punch was given. 

Y/n: "YOU. MADE. ME. GO. ON. A. BOAT!" he spoke between punches

Lucy: "Will Natsu be okay?!"

Erza: "I'm sure he will be fine"

(Mini skip via Natsu getting beat by Y/n)

Letting out an annoyed sigh Y/n sits down feeling his eyelids getting heavy. It's then his head is moved down into someone's lap, looking up at them he sees Erza. 

Erza: "You get that all out of your system?"

Y/n: "Yup, until he does something stupid again that is" his eyes drifted to the side

The walking Apocalypse (Fairy Tail x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now