Chapter 2

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It would be the next day at Y/n's house where he lazily wakes up. He preferred to live in a tree house made from a large overgrown tree. He found the place one day and rather the build his own home he simply made the tree his home instead as it was the laziest of the two options. Getting dressed he went over to a basket near his bed, in said basket would be Ashe curled up in a light blue blanket. 

Y/n: "C'mon Ashe lets go before Red gets here and kicks our ass for not waking up on time."

Ashe: "Five more minuets please" the feline rolled over 

Letting out a sigh he scoops up the cat putting them in his travel pack and heading out before Erza comes. 

At the train station he was greeted to the sight of Lucy, Gray, Natsu and Erza with a large cart of luggage. 

Y/n: "Hey Red..." he lazily spoke out

Erza: "Y/n good your here now we can go, I hope your ready for our mission"

Y/n: "I wanna nap"

Lucy: "You just got here"

Getting on the train Y/n almost intently went to sleep.... or at least he tried. Normally he would sleep before the train starts moving but today the train was faster. Having his blanket draped over his mid section  Ashe had moved into Y/n's shirt with only her head poking out of his collar as the the try to sleep.

Gray: "I swear Natsu your totally pathetic, one minuet your picking a fight and the next your like this"

Natsu: "Y/n" gags "Is the same way so don't gang up on me"

Y/n: "I wish I was sleeping.... I'm in hell...."

Ashe: "You better now puke on me again, last time it took a week to get out of my fur"

Lucy: "It must be hard for you two to get around"

Y/n: "I usually sleep on the train and I don't even notice"

Erza: "Don't worry about them they will be fine. Natsu come over here and sit with me"

Y/n: (I know where this is going)

Lucy and Natsu switch seats and after they do Erza knocks out Natsu with a hit to the stomach then rests his head in her lap.

Erza: "Y/n you said you wanted to sleep to right?"

Y/n: "Not like that thanks for offering"

Gray: "Erza I think its time you start filling us in, what kinda mission are we on here"

Erza: "Of course, I have reason to believe the dark guild Eisanwald is planning something big. I'm  not sure what exactly but it has to do with a magic item called lullaby"

Gray and Happy: "Lullaby?"

Y/n: "Mmm a lullaby before bed"

Ashe: "That sounds nice~"

Lucy: "Wait, that thing from before?"

Y/n pov

As Lucy and Gay told us about an incident that happened that other day I finally started to feel sleepy and promptly passed out enjoying a nice dream, only to interrupted by the trains whistle going off keeping me awake. It was then I noticed we stopped to get some food, unfortunately we started moving again so my stomach wasn't in the best shape

Y/n: "To noisy to sleep and to sick to eat...."

Ashe: petting Y/n on the head "There there"

Lucy: "If you don't mind what kind of magic do you practice Erza?"

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