Chapter 1

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It was another day, sun was shining and everything seemed peaceful. Currently sitting under a tree with a blanket in his lap a certain lazy wizard would be napping under a tree in a deep sleep, that is until.


A large monster growls seeing the male's sleeping form and leans down. The monster raises its large claw swiping at the boy, however the males figure would suddenly be gone. 

A yawn would be herd behind the monster making it turn around seeing the boy who rubs his eyes. 

Y/n: "Damn, how long as I asleep for?" he looks up at the sky "Few hours, yikes I was suppose to finish hours ago"

The large monster roared as it turned to deal with the wizard, Y/n on the other hand just looked at the monster and smiled. 

Y/n: "Oh your the monster I was supposed to kill, neat no need to track you down now"

The large monster snarled bringing its claw back to swipe at the boy again but this time Y/n decided to strike first. 

Y/n: "Apocalypse dragon: Roar!"

Unleashing his roar attack the monster would be completely annihilated.... along with half the forest. 

Y/n: "Woops, gonna hear about this one that's for sure" he then looks around for a moment "Ashe, you around here?"

He felt something move in his shirt with a small grey cat popping its head out yawning. 

Ashe: "Hmm? Is the job over?" the gray cat emerged from the boys shirt going to his shoulder and sitting there

Y/n: "Yup, time to go home"

Ashe then saw the state of the forest giving Y/n and 'Are you serious' look witch only got a small shrug from the boy. 

Ashe: "Can we get some milk on the way back"

Y/n: "Let me guess, warm milk?"

Ashe: "There's no better kind~"

Y/n: "Alright lets go"

(Time skip via chibi Y/n napping on the train while Ashe drinks her milk)

Standing outside the doors to the guild hall Y/n kicks open the doors only to be met with the sight of a large brawl. Things were escalating quickly as some were about to start using magic but it was quickly shut down as they all felt an ominous aura glare at them. The one glaring being Y/n but not because he was angry or anything, he was just to lazy to do anything else to get them to stop. 

Mira: "Oh Y/n is back~"

Natsu: "Hey Y/n fight me!"

The fire dragon slayer shouted going to punch Y/n only to be stepped on my a large dark figure. 

Makarov: "Will all of you stop bickering like children!"

Y/n: "Hello master"

A blonde haired girl Y/n didn't recognize spoke up.

Lucy: "Did you say master?"

Makarov: "Seems we have a new recruit" he then began to shrink back down going to his normal small height "Nice to meet ya"

Lucy: "So tiny, this guy is really in charge here?"

Mira: "Of course he is, this is the fairy tail guild master Makarov"

Jumping up high Makarov clears his throat as everyone looks to him giving there attention. 

Makarov: "You've gone and done it again, just look at the paperwork the magic council sent me this time" he holds up two stacks of papers one being much larger then the other with Y/n looking away seeing the larger stack "This is the biggest pile of complaints yet, are you out of your minds all you kids are good for is getting the higher ups mad at me!"

The walking Apocalypse (Fairy Tail x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now