Chapter 12

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Currently we see Natsu, Lucy, Grey, Juvia and Y/n all on a small boat. As expected the two dragon slayers are in their own hell due to this. 

Lucy: "I'm worried about all those people stuck in the cards. You think the're be okay?"

Grey: "We let the military know before we left so I'm sure they'll be fine"

Lucy: "I hope so"

Grey: "Wait a minuet, where the heck are we?"

Juvia: "I don't know, we've been falling salamanders lead"

Lucy: "Natsu, are you sure were going the right direction?"

Natsu is seen hunched over the side of the boat, sick.

Grey: "Man, we're relying on your sense of smell, so pull it together"

Juvia: "How dare you disappoint my love with your childish actions!"

Lucy: "Y/n, how are you doing? Maybe you should sleep and try to regain your magic?"

Y/n: "Doubt that would help at all" he gags a bit "With what they sprayed me with my magic and strength will be gone for a while."

Lucy: "What did they hit you with anyway?"

Y/n: "It's just a guess" gags "But I'm almost positive it was celestial serpent venom"

Grey: "What?!"

Juvia: "Celestial serpent, I'm unfamiliar with that creature"

Grey: "It was a large snake monster that Y/n took down years ago, it's why he's a SS-class wizard. But that begs the question of how they got it's venom"

Y/n: "They took one of it's fangs... I went to check it out a few days ago and one of it's fangs was missing. Even in death it's body produces the deadly poison"

Lucy: "So why only use it on you and not everyone, it would make sure we can't stop them"

Y/n: "It's because on anyone else you would die. It's safe to say whoever they are they don't intend to kill otherwise they wouldn't bother trapping the people at the hotel. I'm the only one where who won't die from the poison but it still weakens me and drains magic"

Lucy: "Speaking of those people, they said they were old friends of Erza's, which makes me wonder how well we actually know her"

Natsu's head came up as he felt something 

Natsu: "I just got a weird feeling"

Some birds in the sky started dropping out of the air

Lucy: "The birds"

Grey: "What's happening to them"

The boat hit something as they look over bored to see dead fish and some debris from a wrecked ship.

Grey: "Not the fish too"

Juvia; "I've never seen anything like it"

Y/n: "That's wreckage from a Fiore naval ship."

Lucy: "Okay, I'm creeped out"

Natsu: "Hey, what's that?"

Looking into the distance they see a large tower

Looking into the distance they see a large tower

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