Chapter 5

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On this day in the town of ERA the magic council seems to be having a meeting concerning the magic guild of Fairy tail. Nine figures stand in a large magic circle as they discuss the events of the lullaby incident. 

???: "The Eisenwald guild may have been defeated but that is but one small victory in a much larger battle"

???2: "The number of dark guilds have been growing at an alarming rate"

???3: "We have to come up with a plan to eliminate them all"

???4: "But how would we do that?"

???5: "However its done we cannot let Zeref's magic to fall into the wrong hands again"

???6: "I don't understand how Eisenwald was able to obtain a tool of forbidden magic anyway"

???2: "I hate to say it but the blame may extend all the way to the highest level"

???7: "Whatever the case. Although there usually just a thorn in our side it seems fairy tail had proved to be quite useful"

???8: "They took down an entire guild with just a handful of wizards. Even with the only SS-class wizard it is still quite a feat"

This causes them all to talk over one another until the same one who praised them spoke up again. 

???7: "You may not want to accept it but that is the reality of the situation. The attack on the guild masters was prevented and lives were spared and, none of us had to give up our position on the council to save face"

???2: "You fool, are you saying somehow the council is to blame"

???5: "Enough of this nonsense! Fairy tails good deeds are overshadowed by their reckless destruction!"

???7: "Then why not take the opportunity to discuss the matter with them?"

Back at fairy tail just outside the guildhall it seems some kind of fight is taking place between Erza and Natsu. Arriving a bit late would be Y/n along with Ashe who's in his shirt with her head poking out of his collar. 

Y/n: "So he's really taking another shot at this huh?"

Gray: "Yup"

Lucy: "Who do you think is gonna win?"

Y/n: "If history is any clue I bet my money on Erza"

Erza and Natsu stand opposite on one another.

Erza: "It's been quite a while since we squared off like this hasn't it, Natsu"

Natsu: ""I was just a little kid back then, today's gonna be different cause I'm taking you down Erza. Then I'm coming after Y/n"

Erza: "Well, I'm not gonna go easy on you, in fact I have the perfect armor for this occasion"

Erza then requipped into her flame empress armor to prepare for the fight.

Y/n: "Flame empress huh, Natsu is gonna have a hard time against that"

Natsu: "Wow, flame empress armor huh. Good news for me, that means I can turn up the heat as much as I want to"

Makarov: "Round one, start!"

Just as the fight began Y/n's eyes started to feel a bit heavy as he let out a yawn. 

Y/n: "Okay I'm bored now, I wanna nap"

Ashe: "But it just started"

Y/n: "Yeah but I already know who's gonna win so its boring"

As Natsu and Erza continued their fight they both prepared for big attacks before a gong sounds making them stop in their tracks.

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