Chapter 8

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Y/n pov

Currently me, Natsu, Gray, Erza, Happy and Ashe were in lucy's house. They were all at a small table while i was sitting against a dresser with my eye's closed. But unlike other time's where I would be sleeping this time i was listening. I didn't want phantom lord coming for any of my friends. 

I herd the sound of the door opening fallowed by Lucy screaming. 


Erza: "Since the guilds been attacked we can assume there are phantom lord members in town"

Gray: "They probably figured out where everyone in Fairy Tail lives by now"


Y/n: "Mira said we'd be safer if we stuck together, strength in numbers and all that"

Lucy: "I guess she's right"

Happy: "That's why everyone in fairy tail is having a slumber part tonight"

Ashe: "Yup yup yup~"

Erza: "You are an attractive teenage girl after all. I wasn't entirely comfortable with you just being here alone with Natsu and Gray. I felt I could only relax if I stayed here as well"

Lucy: "What about Y/n?"

Erza: "My trust in Y/n is much higher then my trust in those two"

Y/n: "Probably because I'll just sleep the entire time were here"

Natsu: "It's not time to relax"

Lucy: "So it was already decided these three would stay with me. Why did they have to come to my place?"

Happy: "Woah you sure do have a lot of dirty clothes"

Ashe quickly kicked happy away from Lucy's things

Ashe: "It's impolite to go through a girls things without askin ya know!"

Everyone soon got pretty comfortable in Lucy's place but Erza did have one small complaint. 

Erza: "We have a serious problem here, you boy's hygiene. I refuse to sleep in a room that reeks of sweat"

Although Natsu and Gray complained I opened one of my eyes looking at them. 

Y/n: "You better take a bath or ill give you one in blood!"

Gray&Natsu: "Y-yes sir!"

Closing my eye again I let out a small sigh getting comfortable in my corner only to feel Erza pick me up making me open my eyes and look at her. 

Y/n: "What's up Red?"

Erza: "Are you going to take a bath too or do we have to take a bath together like we did as kids"

I could feel my face heat up before I looked away 

Y/n: "I-I can take a bath on my own thanks..."

(Mini skip)

Coming out of the bath and changed into my pajamas witch consisted of a simple white tank top with some sleep pants I returned to the spot i was at before.  

Y/n: "I'm done, Natsu your turn?" I look to see he is already sleeping at the table "And people say I'm lazy"

I then saw everyone looking at me

Y/n: "Okay, I'd be sleeping like that too"

Lucy: "Any idea why phantom attacked out of the blue like that?"

Erza: "I'm afraid not, we have had our share of scuffles with them in the past but never something on this sort of magnitude before"

Natsu: "If gramps wasn't so scared of em we could wipe out those punks one and for all"

The walking Apocalypse (Fairy Tail x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now