Chapter 14 Y/n's Secret Magic

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Y/n and Ashe had made their way out of the area they were in and were currently moving up some stairs. Y/n was practically crawling up the steps with Ashe doing her best to help him along. They only paused their moment when they herd the familiar voice of Natsu.

Natsu: "I didn't get to do anything!"

Looking back they saw Natsu and Simon coming up the steps behind them. 

Y/n: "Well, look who decided to join us, sup Natsu...."

Natsu and Simon paused seeing Y/n and Ashe. But what caused some concern was Y/n's current state, his skin being a sickly purple with his veins being pitch black and seen through his skin. 

Natsu: "Holy crap Y/n you look terrible!"

Y/n: "Thank it's nice to see you too...."

Ashe: "He still has a lot of poison in him" she told Natsu and Simon

Simon: (How is he still moving, anyone else would be dead by now) "You should leave and get medical assistance, you can't fight in your condition"

Y/n: "I'm not leaving here without ERZA!"

He shouted looking at them with his pupils becoming slits. Simon was about to respond before Natzu bet him to it.

Natsu: "Alright, fine lets go"

Simon: "You can't be serious?! He will die."

Natsu: "Eh, Y/n's tough. He can take a lot of punishment, something like this won't keep him down"

Natzu then got in front of Y/n and crouched down. 

Natzu: "Get on, you can rest a little on the way to help recover"

Y/n: "Thank you, Natsu. For an annoying little brother your not to bad"

Natsu only smiled back at him as the Apocalypse dragon slayer got on his back. 

Y/n: "Let's go get Erza and beat the hell out of Jellal!"

(Time skip)

While heading up the tower Simon stopped to rest while Natsu, Y/n and Ashe pressed on. While heading up Y/n let out a pained groan making Natsu and Ashe look back to him. 

Natsu: "Y/n, are you good?"

Y/n: "Y-yeah just keep going" (Dammit, I'm losing hearing and vision on my left side. My body is trying to survive the poison by shutting down non vital functions just like Toxic said)

The three were then suddenly blinded by a bright light that came in through a window. 

Ashe: "The etherion strike!"

Y/n: "No, we're too late to stop it!"

Then the etherion strike hit blinding the three and knocking Y/n off Natsu's back. Once the light wen't away they two saw blue crystals all around them. 

Natsu: "What are these crystals?"

Y/n: "Not crystals, lacrima. The entire tower became one big one."

Natsu: "Doesn't matter, we still got a job to do"

Y/n: "Ashe, you okay?"

Ashe: "I should be asking you that, but yeah."

(Time skip 2)

Heading up the last stretch of the towers steps Y/n and Natsu lay eyes on the man himself, Jellal. He stood in front of Erza who was being pulled inside the lacrima. Y/n immediately let out an almsot primal growl at the sight. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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