Chapter 11

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Currently we see Y/n on the beach laid out under an umbrella with Ashe next to him. Everyone else was enjoying the fun of the beach but for this lazy wizard and his partner they were being as lazy as possible.  

Y/n: "This feels nice~"

Ashe: "Naps on the beach are comfortable but the sand always get's caught in my fur" she huffed a bit

Y/n: "Then I'll brush your fur later, this is a vacation after all so we deserve to enjoy ourselves~"

Y/n smiled as his eyes closed about to nap once more when a voice spoke out to him making him open his eyes. Standing next to him would be a random girl looking down at him.

Girl: "Hey there what's up?~"

Y/n: "Huh?"

Girl: "I said what's up, I saw you laying here and decided to say hi" she smiled 

Y/n: "Nothing much just about to nap"

Girl: "Nap? But your on a beach, why not join me and my friends over there"

The girl pointed to two other girls in the distance, however Y/n only looked over rather lazily and uninterested. 

Y/n: "Thanks but no thanks, I'd rather nap"

At this point the girl got a slight tick mark

Girl: "You know I'm trying to flirt with you right?"

Before Y/n could reply a familiar red head came over

Erza: "Y/n, is everything alright over here?"

Y/n: "Hey Red, yeah just talking with this girl"

Girl: "Oh crap, sorry I didn't know you already had a girlfriend!"

Y/n: "Wa? No she's not my-"

Ashe: jumps up cutting Y/n off "Mhm they have been together for years, they even sleep together sometimes~"

The Girl then goes red hearing this

Y/n: (I mean... not wrong. Red does tend to dose off sometimes when I use her lap as a pillow)

Girl: "I-I'm sorry again, I'll just leave you two"

And like that she bolted away

Erza: "Well that was certainly odd, what was that about?"

Y/n shrugs 

Y/n: "So what's up, you need something Red?"

Erza: "Were just about to play some volleyball, would you like to join in"

Y/n: "Meh, why not"

Jumping up Y/n and Erza rejoined the group, all of them starting to enjoy the beach together. 

Time skip via Y/n brushing Ashe's fur to get the sand out

After enjoying the beach and returning to the hotel Y/n got ready to head to the casino in the resort. Getting dressed in more formal attire consisting of a white button up shirt a red tie and a black vest with black pants and shoes. Wrapped around his waist would be his white blanket being almost like a sash or belt. 

After arriving at the casino it'self Y/n sat at one of the roulette tables but after one round he fell asleep and after giving the few people who tried to wake him some glares they left him be. Meanwhile Ashe kept playing while sitting on Y/n's head. 

Ashe: "Yeah all on black!"

Suddenly Y/n's eyes snapped open as he sat up feeling offensive magic activate in the resort. Sitting up quickly Ashe fell only to be caught by Y/n. 

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