CH 2

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A.H - Guys yesterday Ashi called and told me that her father has to transfer abroad with her father and the most important thing that she will have to quit content creation because of some family issues.

Author's POV :-
Everyone was very shocked but someone seem more shocked and was on the verge of crying.

Tanzeel's POV :-
We reached a bit late and saw Aashna there. She looked very sad and told us something very shocking. I always had a soft corner for Ashi and if she will leave it will hurt me the most than anybody else.

Ashi's POV :-
When Aashna told me her plan for surprising them, I became very excited and was waiting to see their reaction. Then, Aashna told them and they were shocked but Tanzeel was more shocked than anyone else. I don't know why but leave it.  Its finally time to surprise them. 

A.K - BOOOOOOOO!!!! Surprise guys!!!!!!

Everyone was very surprised and happy and shocked to see her but again someone couldn't control and hugged me tightly.

Sanket's POV :-                                                                                                                We all reached collage and saw Aashna waiting for us. She was looking so hot that i couldn't take my eyes of her but she also seemed a little bit sad. Then she told us something very shocking. I was very hurt that why is she leaving content creation and why instead for informing me first, she informed Aashna. I was lost in my thoughts and heard a familiar voice. I couldn't control myself and hugged her tightly.( Sorry for people who thought that it was TK) 

( Sorry for people who thought that it was TK) 

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S.M :- Ashi!!!! Are you mad???? You scared the soul out of me!!!!

Rishabh POV :-                                                                                                                    Everyone was very shocked listening to the news but I could see someone more shocked than anyone else.  I could see that Tanzeel was more hurt and I always had a doubt that Tanzeel had a soft corner for her. Then, suddenly she surprised us. We all were happy seeing her but Tanzeel was nowhere to be seen, so thought Ashi to also take with me to him.

Please like, comment and vote. Won't be able to post daily but i will try my best to do so. Free for any kind of suggestion..

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