Loki's Capture

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(Y/N) was behind Natasha dressed in a shirt tucked in his pants as they waited for Rogers.

Gwen was coming behind them dressed in a skirt and and T-Shirt. This was the first time they were not in their suits. Fury told them this mission would last a couple of weeks as per his estimate so they might as well get comfortable.

Soon the jet with Cap and Coulson on it, landed on the Heli-carrier. It opened to reveal Captain America in all his glory and Coulson.

"Stow the captain's gear." Coulson told two stewards who replied affirmatively. 

"Agent Romanoff, Captain Rogers." Rogers nodded at Natasha and looked at the two people behind her. "Captain, that is (Y/N) Graythorne and Gwen Stacy."

"The Spider's I assume?" Rogers asked the two, (Y/N) immediately moved forward to shake his hand excitedly as Gwen rolled her eyes at her boyfriend.

"I am so so so honored to meet you captain. You are like my childhood hero." Rogers smiled at the excitement the kid showed, he knew Coulson was a fan, but his attitude was much more subdued.

"He can sign your face later. They need you on the bridge Coulson." Natasha teased (Y/N) who gave her a thumbs down in response, and moved back to stand with Gwen. "They're starting the face-trace."

Gwen gave him a kiss on his cheek to calm him down, as Coulson walked towards the bridge.

"Quite the buzz around here, finding you in the ice, thought Coulson was gonna swoon." Natasha looked back at (Y/N). "You're lucky (Y/N) found love in Gwen, he would be ready to marry you if it wasn't the case."

"I'm just a fan lady. Don't try to fit me into your weird fanfictions. I know how you women are." (Y/N) said as Gwen looked as apprehensive as Natasha. "Of course not you, my sweet Spider." 

"What's a fanfiction?" Steve asked all three of them.

"N-Nothing you need to know Cap." Gwen answered on behalf of all three of them and they all agreed.

"Okay..." They continued walking until they saw lost looking Dr. Banner.

"Dr. Banner." Steve extended his hand towards a nervous looking Banner who shook it.

Banner looked at Gwen and (Y/N) with recognition.

"(Y/N) Graythorne? Your father... is one shady individual." Banner recognized him from the time he researched about Graythorne Inc.

"Graythorne?" He quietly asked Natasha who nodded.

He knew a Graythorne in his life, they were one of the few who could compete with Stark in terms of finance, but to see her living descendant, it was surreal to say the least.

"Yeah... I'm gonna fucking ruin him." Gwen hadn't heard such venom in her boyfriend's voice since he last referred to his own father.

"(Y/N)." Gwen pinched his cheek to let him know he was making a bad first impression.

"A-Alright, It's quite windy here, isn't it?" (Y/N) changed the subject as all three of the other avengers looked at him weirdly.

"Right... We're gonna need you all to go inside for a moment. It's gonna get a little hard to breathe." Natasha informed the the four of them.

"Is this a sub-marine?" Bruce's voice had a little waver to it. "They want me in a pressurized metal container?" 

"I'm not good with water guys." (Y/N) informed them all who ignored him as they walked towards the edge of the Heli-carrier to look at the descend.

"Wait, that is a... propeller?" Gwen pointed it out.

"No. No. This is much worse." Banner joked as they all stepped back and followed Natasha inside.

Responsibility: Gwen Stacy x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now