Barton's Secret Service Agency

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The Quinjet was silent.


All the Avengers were scattered in their own little corners, not wanting to talk to anyone.

Banner covered himself with a blanket even though he was sweating.

Nat's eyes were rooted onto one spot, not daring to look away.

Thor and Cap were shaken but not too bad... if anything, they were more disappointed in themselves.

Tony was struck with guilt over all the mayhem his own oversight caused. He should have foreseen Ultron.

Yet he kept moving forward.

It was all he could do.

Gwen was perhaps the most manic out of all the Avengers. At least according to (Y/N).

She clutched onto (Y/N) hard the moment he entered the Quinjet in Johannesburg and she hadn't loosened her grip since then.

If anything she had gripped him tighter.

"It's alright..." (Y/N) patted her forehead as she silently hung onto him like a needy cat.

She didn't respond to anything other than (Y/N)'s touch.

"The world is loving Spider-Man." Tony talked to Hill. "You guys on the other hand..."

(Y/N) sighed... he forgot to take photos for the week. Jonah would have his hide.

Gwen gave him a silent kiss on his cheek, it seemed she wasn't as manic as (Y/N) first summarized.

"There's no official call for either yours or Banner's arrest... The families of those lost though... they will be difficult to deal with." Hill's voice fell silent at the end.

"The Stark Relief Foundation?" Stark inquired, his voice a bit shaken at the confirmation that there were casualties.

"Ms Potts decided it wasn't prudent to release the relief through your official name. So she's decided to send her relief foundation." Hill affirmed.


"How's the team?" Hill asked, not expecting good news.

"Everyone's..." The only people who were calm and collected right now were (Y/N) and Clint.

The latter piloting the Quinjet.

"We took a hit, We'll bounce back," Tony stated, the Avengers looked anything but about to bounce back.

They needed a reprieve.

"I'd suggest you guys stay low. Ultron wants to tank your image even further, so until we find him..." Hill let the loud part quietly enter their minds.

"So we just run and hide?" Tony argued back.

(Y/N) sighed and got up only to be held back by Gwen who cutely shook her head in small motions, so (Y/N) relented and sat back down.

"I don't have a lot else to offer..." Hill sighed too.

Tony completed the trifecta of sighs, "Neither do we."

He closed the call and glanced at the Spider-Couple.

They were both in their own world now at Gwen's corner of the Quinjet. It was marked by the amount of purple and pink memorabilia that covered it.

(Y/N) peppered Gwen with kisses and whispered sweet nothings into her ear as he held her close.

God he wished Pepper was here...

So he tried to distract himself, He walked towards the helm.

"Hey, wanna switch out?" Tony asked Clint.

Responsibility: Gwen Stacy x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now