Super Arguments II

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The Avengers Compound, June 2016

Wanda and Steve sat in the living room of the Compound, Their giant T.V. on with the news.

Pietro stood off to the side, having just come back from exercising. His powers had only begun to come back, so he was taking it slow with missions.

"Our people's blood has been spilled on foreign soil... Not only because of the actions of criminals. But the indifference of those sworn to protect them." The king of Wakanda, some third-world country in Africa spoke with fervour.

Pietro watched the news with a haunted gleam in his eyes before Cap turned the T.V. off.

"I could've stopped this." Wanda was the one to speak up. "It's all my fault." 

"Stop that. If anything it's my fault for not catching his bomb jacket. One mention of Bucky and I was back as a 16-year-old in Brooklyn." Cap shook his head in disagreement.

Pietro didn't chime in, the guilt gnawing at him like a poison slowly creeping up his veins. He was always self-assured. That much was true.

But as he saw his sister take the blame for something he should've been able to stop.

He only felt guilt and regret.

Vision chose this moment to phase through the walls much to Wanda's dismay, she had told him many times to not do this.

"Vis! No phasing through the walls!" She gently chided the bot who lowered his head in acknowledgement.

"My apologies. I just wished to inform yo-" 

"WHAT'S UP, BITCHES!" Gwen's loud voice interrupted Vision who lowered his head once again in indigination.

Gwen walked through their living room door looking all adorable while (Y/N) hung back, waving quietly at the Avengers.

Wanda's breath hitched in her throat when she saw (Y/N)... He was just so majestic to her... It didn't go unnoticed by Vision.

"Wow! Cap, you look fatter!" Gwen proudly proclaimed (Cap only smiled), before looking at Wanda. "Nice new breasts, girl!"

"Huh!?" Wanda looked scandalised as she looked down with a blush, "Huh?"

"Forgive her, please..." (Y/N) scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

"Vision! New coat of paint?" She joked, Vision nodded in indignation.

She then paused and looked at a forlorn Pietro.

"Wow... You look like a baby without a beard... It's all... Ew and Blegh!" Gwen's brutal honesty irked Pietro who was already on edge.

"Oh yeah!? What about your fiance? He doesn't have a beard either!" Pietro clapped back.

"The gall! To compare yourself with my supermodel?!" Gwen's look of anger was sudden, her eyes glowed green as she slowly floated up. 

(Y/N) was quick to act, bringing her back down and into him, caressing her back to calm her down.

"I'm sorry everyone..." (Y/N) apologized on Gwen's behalf, "It's just her mood swings..."

Pietro scoffed as he leaned on the kitchen counter, anger lining his features.

"There's nothing to be sorry for." Cap shook his head in fondness... young love.

Still a pang of sadness resonated within him, yearning for something he could never have... not without Peggy.


"Ah, Noise!" Vision was the one to greet the alien first. "I have been wanting to talk to you... perhaps we'll do so later?"

Responsibility: Gwen Stacy x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now