Prologue - To Be A Spider

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"Jean, will you go to prom with me?" He could recognise that scent and voice anywhere.

Anna Peach, the school's lead cheerleader had come personally to ask him out to prom. This was a dream come true for someone like him.

He spent most of his time in class sneaking glances at her and he always felt as if she snuck glances at him too but today his eyes had been opened, oh how blind he had been!

Well no more, his time had come, god had listened to his plight for the first time in centuries.

"Yeah sure, why no-" He began to answer but stopped when he noticed something was wrong... this cannot be real.

Anna Peach?

Who was that? He had never heard of that name before, he in fact couldn't recognise that smell or that voice.

That's when it hit him, he had to snap out of this mirage, he was not Jean, he was (Y/N) Graythorne, the one and only Spider-Man.

'This must be the work of Mysterio, looks like that fucker has gotten access to some new machinery' (Y/N) thought to himself, he inspected the scene before him to find faults in it, Beck might be a master of VFX but even he has his weaknesses.

Weaknesses which (Y/N) had picked up on over the years, this time it was no different, a normal man might've fallen for his illusions and probably stay trapped in this shithole for the rest of his life but (Y/N) had heightened senses.

He could see that some of the trees were moving in the wrong manner, some of the students were talking in a way that was unnatural, etc. all very minute of course, but not to a man with his senses.

It seems that Mysterio had noticed this as well, as the paradigm in front of him had started to shift and contort, with the land collapsing in itself until all that was left was a black void and Anna.

The woman in question had her body starting to twist unnaturally too, her limbs stretching and fur growing on them until in her place was a 7 foot tall werewolf.

"Really Beck? it's been 3 months since halloween, did the store not buy back the costume?" (Y/N) quipped, taking a combat stance and not a moment too soon as he was jumped by the werewolf soon after.

He dodged left, getting out of reach of her claws, and delivering a heavy kick towards her head, it connected, giving (Y/N) enough to time to spin his web and trap her.

"C'mon Beck, This is starting to drag on, how long are we gonna do this charade until you decide to give up." (Y/N) said before firing his web seemingly into the void, until it hit something and the void started to break apart, revealing what was hidden behind it, and lo and behold it was a bank.

A bank being robbed to be specific, all the civilians were on the ground shaking and quivering, in front of the vault room were armed guards holding their weapons high, they hadn't seemed to notice him which was perfect for him.

He gestured for the crowd to be silent and jumped on to the roof, sticking to it, he then proceeded to crawl towards the unaware guards, before dropping down and smashing both of their skulls together, knocking them both out cold.

Dropping down, he peeped into the vault and saw two goons loading money and jewels into their bags, with the man of the hour himself supervising them.

Dropping down, he peeped into the vault and saw two goons loading money and jewels into their bags, with the man of the hour himself supervising them

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