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It's a travel day, so I stay in bed.

I haven't seen Joe since last night after the show, and I most likely won't see him at all today. They travel differently than us. Usually by private jet.

Not like us hoodlums who have to ride in a bus. But that's okay, I'm just thankful that I get to be here at all.

Trent bangs on the bottom of my bunk and I roll over, looking over the edge down at him. "Yes?" I ask in annoyance.

"Why so glum today?" He asks.

"I'm not glum. What else am I supposed to do while the bus is moving?" I ask.

But I was glum. I couldn't stop replaying Joe's face in my head from last night. The concern in his eyes for me and his natural way of trying to take care of me.

And then there was that look when I brushed off his offer to walk me to the bus.

Why do I even fucking care?

"Mhmm, sure." Trent says.

I roll my eyes and lay back down, away from him and his judgmental tone. He thinks he knows me, but he doesn't.

Nobody does.

But Joe wants to get to know you.

Says who?

Quit arguing with your own mind.

I slam my pillow onto my face and press as hard as I can. But I'm a little bitch, and I take it away as soon as my airway becomes blocked.

"Ugh." I whisper out loud.

I woke up when the loud bus breaks came to a squeaking halt. It was dark outside, but I knew we must be at our next venue by now.

The clock on my phone said nine pm. I was starving, and I knew the others were going to get off the bus and go get some late dinner.

It was tempting, to join them. But I knew they'd make it a big deal if I did, teasing me for actually hanging out with them for once. And that was the last thing I needed today. So I waited until they all left before I got up.

I threw on some high waisted white washed jeans, my black crop topped hoodie and my black combat boots and headed out the door.

Tomorrows venue was huge, almost double the size of last nights. Crew members were already wheeling stuff inside. They would be up all night putting the stage together. I always wondered when those guys slept. Maybe they didn't at all.

There was a local pizza shop not far down the street. I grabbed a few slices and headed back to the bus alone.

As I ate in silence, I thought back to how a few weeks ago I would have been content. I would have been enjoying the silence.

But tonight all I could think about was how I wish I was eating beside Joe. And I hated myself for it.

"Morning sunshine!" Raegan hits me over the head with a pillow, immediately pissing me off.

"What the fuck!" I yell at her.

She laughs and sets her pillow back on her bunk. "It's almost noon, get your ass out of bed."

"I don't want to." I tell her.

I slept like shit last night. Tossing and turning. And when I finally fell asleep, I had a nightmare about my ex. Except it was more of a memory.
Something I remember all too well. That I didn't want to ever think about again.

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