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There it was, the sign for 'Littletown'. Ironic name, isn't it?

"We're here." I tell him.

"Where should I go?" He questions as we sit at the only red light for miles.

"Well, there's the cemetery." I state.

"Let's go then." He says, before I can tell him why.

But I have a feeling he already knows.

The graveyard is behind a Catholic Church. You can either park in their parking lot, or drive up behind it where there's a gate with a partially paved road that ends up turning into dirt, that goes around the entire cemetery. I tell Joe to park behind the church so we can just walk in.

I hop out of the Jeep before he can open my door for me. I throw on my red and black flannel shirt, the air a bit chilly.

"Take the lead." Joe motions for me to go ahead of him.

It's a steep hill in the beginning before the graves come into site, and by the time we reach the top I'm winded, but I ignore it and head straight for my mom's grave.

I follow the long path, taking a right into the grass, careful to walk around the other stones. Joe follows close behind quietly, following in my steps.

And there it is. My mothers stone. A simple square, with her name, the day she was born and died, and then...

"Catherine was a wonderful mom to her precious daughter, her everything, her Ruby May."

I watch Joe as he reads it. A wave of emotions flash over his face before he looks at me.

"I wondered why you look d at me that way when I called you that the first time. I felt like I said something wrong at first."

I shake my head and smile warmly, "I was surprised to hear you say it. But that was because I hadn't heard it in so long. I like that you and her are the only ones to call me it."

He smiles back and wraps an arm around my shoulder, pulling me to him. I wrap an arm around his waist as we look at my moms stone.

"I would come here everyday when I lived here." I tell him.

"I'm sure that means a lot to her."

I sigh, "My aunt didn't want her buried here, because my aunt believed she didn't go to heaven because she took her own life."

"I don't believe that." He says.

"Neither do I." I tell him, "my mom was the greatest person I've ever known. I just wish I could have done more to convince her to stay."

"It's not your fault." He rubs my shoulder as we look on.

"We should head back." I tell him.

"You sure?" He asks me.

I nod, "but maybe we could come back tomorrow before we leave, with flowers or something?"

"Anything you want." He tells me.

He grabs my hand as we walk back to the Jeep and I let him hold it until we get to my side. He lets go and looks down at me, a slight frown on his lips.

"Thank you for bringing me here. I know it's not easy for you, sharing this all with me."

"Somehow it does come easy for me, when it comes to you." My cheeks get hot, just saying that out loud. I'm not one for any of that mushy stuff.

"Good to know." He smirks.

The sun is beginning to set as we drive to the haunted hayride. It's cooler, and I'm glad I brought a sweater and boots to wear.

I start to get nervous as we wait in the line of cars to find a parking spot. I don't remember it being this busy, and I can't help but wonder if Joe is nervous about being recognized. This may be a small town, but not small enough to not know who the Jonas Brothers are.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect it to be this crowded." I tell him as we pull off to the side of the road where a man in a reflective vest tells us to park.

"It's almost dark, it will be a little easier to blend in." He grabs his hat off the dash and puts it on backwards. "How do I look?"

"Like someone that's too attractive to be here." I admit.

His eyebrows raise, "So you think I'm attractive?"

I roll my eyes and punch him in the arm. He laughs, a little too hard as I hop out.

"You didn't say no!" I hear him yell as I shut the door.

I meet him at his side, sticking close to get out of the way of the other cars. Joe grabs onto me, pulling me away from someone riding by on a skateboard with a mask on.

"This place is weird." He says when he lets go.

I laugh, "that's how it usually is. Let's go get in line for tickets."

We walk close to each other and get into the back of the line. It's almost completely dark now except for the lights from the buildings and lights that they set up.

I see a few girls double take when they walk by us, but it's as if they are unsure. I mean why the hell would Joe Jonas be here in the middle of nowhere at a haunted hayride? I'd think I was seeing things too.

"I think some people know." I whisper to him.

"You mean like that girl up towards the front of the line that's taking a picture? Nah probably a coincidence." He smiles smugly at me.

"You're annoying." I tell him.

He laughs, "lighten up, there's nothing to be worried about."

We finally get to the ticket window. The woman is older, but I know she thinks Joe looks familiar. She stares at him as I pay her, but she doesn't say anything.

Finally, we make our way to the other line, and wait for tractor #5 to come.

And that's when I see her.


We worked together at the diner years back. She knew me when I dated Mike.

Please don't see me.

"Ruby, is that you?"


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