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"So... anything else going on in your life?" I tried to not be too obvious about what I was asking. Was there someone special out there that he had his eye on?

He smirks and takes a sip of his hot chocolate that I refreshed for us, "You mean, am I dating anyone?"

My cheeks flush red and I keep my eyes glued to my cup, "uh, yeah."

He laughed, sensing my embarrassment, "No, I'm not."

I nod, and don't want to press it any further. I could feel his gaze on me, and I looked up at him. His smiled softly at me, "what about you?"

I shook my head, "No... I... no."

He raised an eyebrow, "probably not many people to date in this small state."

I laughed, "No not really but..." I hesitated, unsure if I should say it.

"What is it?" He asked.

I let out a breath, "I haven't even attempted to date. Haven't been with anyone since well, you know."

"But it's been years." His expression is serious as his eyes scanned mine, "why not?"

He wanted to know the truth. I could see it in his eyes as they bored into mine. "Because, I guess I just haven't gotten over you." I said before I could change my mind.

I watch as his face softens, "Ruby."

"I'm sorry." I stood up in a panic. I instantly regretted saying it. I was stupid to think maybe he felt the same.

I begin cleaning up around the coffee table, in an attempt to get away from the entire situation.

"Ruby." Joe grabbed my arm to stop me from my panic induced cleaning session. I stopped in my tracks and glanced at his fingers that were wrapped gently around my wrist.

"What?" I asked when I finally looked at him again.

"What did you say?" He asked. Was he serious? I know I said it loud enough.

"You didn't hear me?" I asked.

"I did. But I need to hear it again, because I'm not sure if I heard it right." Our eyes lock onto each others, not a sound in the room but the crackling of the flame in front of us. The moment felt intense. Goosebumps formed on my entire body even though I was far from cold.

"I haven't gotten over you Joe." It hit me that I never even got to tell Joe back then that I loved him. But it was too soon to say it. We hadn't seen each other in years, and I didn't want to scare him away.

He swallowed hard before letting go of my wrist. His hands cup my face before leaning in and kissing me. The emotions hit me like I ran into a brick wall. Tears began to stream down my face as he kissed me harder.

When the salty substance hit his own lips, he pulled away with worry, "are you okay?" He rubbed a tear off of my cheek with his thumb.

I nodded, "Just... really happy."

He smiled before placing a kiss on my cheek. The gesture made my cheeks warm.

It's almost midnight, and Joe and I are cuddled up on the couch under a fleece blanket. He runs a hand through my hair as I rest my head against his chest, listening to his steady heart beat.

My thoughts wander to when we first met, and everything we've gone through. I never thought I would be here with him today. I was afraid I may never see him again. And I definitely never thought that he still had feelings for me. I wouldn't blame him if he hated me.

But that just shows how amazing of a man he is. He's forgiving. He's gentle. He's patient, and kind. He's everything I want. Everything I need.

I've felt like something had been missing these past five years, and sitting here in his arms right now, I don't have that feeling anymore. Because he was what was missing.


My back aches as soon as I open my eyes. The room is bright and it takes me a moment to remember where I am.

On my living room couch.

With Joe.

I turned to face him. He was still asleep, his dark curls a messy against his forehead. I smiled at the sight of him, before I slowly made my way off of the couch in an attempt to not wake him.

I glanced outside, where the snow had stopped falling and the sun shined bright against the white substance. I had to squint just to be able to clear my vision.

The smell of bacon must wake Joe up. I was taking the last piece off of the baking pan when he walked lazily into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Good morning." His voice was deeper than normal, and he had to clear his throat. It made me smile.

"Morning." I said, "I'm sure you're hungry."

He grabbed a piece of bacon before planting a kiss on my cheek, "starving."

After breakfast, Joe helped me shovel my driveway. It was a long, grueling task and I felt bad that he had to help in order to get his truck out. It was late afternoon when we had finally finished, and we were both covered in sweat despite how cold it was outside.

"Do you mind if I shower before heading home?" He asked. Hearing him say he was heading home made my heart sink a bit. We hadn't talked about what we were. If we were anything at all, or when we would see each other again.

"Go for it." I said as I strip my sweatshirt off. My tee shirt was stuck to me, and Joe noticed.

He smirked, "Guess you need a shower too."

I rubbed the back of my neck, "Yeah." I said casually.

We stared at each other for a few moments before Joe cleared his throat, "Okay well, I'll be back."

I nodded, unable to speak as he turned away from me and headed upstairs. I was nervous, really nervous. Did he want me to join him in the shower?


Should I?

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