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ah, amusement parks. how wonderful they are, but not when your friend makes you go on this scary ass ride.

"fuck you!" I screamed. "when?" jack yelled back. "tomorrow" I said, playing around with the joke.

he looked at me and winked.

we got on the ride and it started. my hair was blowing everywhere and my mouth was wide open.

we went down a few more hills and around a couple loops until the cart urged to a stop.

"yes! I'm alive" I screamed, making my way through the exit.

jack laughed and grabbed my hand.I felt sparks go through my body.

"Should we go on another ride?"Jack asked. "Sure"I said.

we went on a water ride that looked really fun. I didn't like the idea of going on it but Jack seemed really happy, so we got on it.

the boat we were in started to move up and then it went down causing us to get wet.

we got off the ride "I love water rides" jack said, I just smiled at him.


"we should get going alison just texted me that she wants to go to this really good hot dog place" I said. Jack agreed

I drove home and we were singing the whole time..

"how can we not talk about family when family's all we got" I sang "everything I was doin you were standing right by my side and now you gonna be wit me for the last ride" Jack sang.

we got home and alison was watching Pretty little liars.

"FINALLY YOUR HERE" she screamed.i just laughed. "were gonna go change clothes" I said

10 minutes later

"ARE YOU GUYS READY" alison said."YES IM AM" Jack said."ALMOST" i said. i got out of my room and alison and Jack were at the door waiting for me.

"alright let's GOO" alison said.we got in the car and alison started driving.

(10 minutes later)

"yay we're here"alison said.we got off the car and went inside the place."wow it smells good"Jack said."omg it does"I said.

We ordered and we sat down."so how did you find this place alison"I said."well I was looking for restaurants and found this hot dog place" Alison said.

"cool"I said.

Jack was texting someone but I didn't know who so I asked him.

"who are you texting gilinsky"i said "Johnson he said."oh...ok"I said.

they called are order and jack went and got the tray with are food."omg that looks soo good"alison said

we finished are hot dogs and left.

"so my friend jack johnson wants us to come over we're he's staying"jack said "okay we're is he staying?"I said."he's staying at sammys house"he said."okay tell him will be there"I said.alison had no idea who he was I could tell by her face.

jack gave alison the direction and she drove there.
(30min later)

"okay go left,and WERE HEREE"he said.jack knocked on the door and johnson opened the door."hey!!welcome!!"he said.

he lead us to the backyard were everyone was, it was full of guys..very attractive guys😏.

Everyone greeted us and we sat on the sofa.i saw alison take out her phone and started texting,8 seconds later my phone buzzed.

ali-omg that boy infront of me is attractive

i looked up and saw him.

me-that's sammy

ali-holy shit he's attractive

I turned off my phone and I look at alison she looks at me giggling.i swear she laughs at the weirdest things even when something isn't supposed to be funny.

"what are you laughing at alison"asked jack."nothing"she said."what are you laughing at"he repeated.

"NOTHING"alison said."ugh okay"he said ,alison just rolled her eyes at him.

i saw sammy looking at alison while she was texting I took my phone out and texted alison.

me-alison sammy was looking at you

ali-what!!!omg no stop playing

me-I'm not playing!im being serious he was looking at you!!!

ali-what if he likes me,what if he asks for my number skdnskosdjdhsjsjajjaksbs

me-hahaaha calm down

she was blushing when i looked up.

ali-come inside the house with me we gotta talk


we went inside and we were outside the restroom door.we heard someone come in and i went inside the restroom.

i heard a guy voice and alison's voice.
(alisons pov)
"oh hey"said sammy "hey"i said "I was wondering....if I can get your number?"he said nervously "uhh sure"I said.i gave it to him and he smiled and said thanks.i was freaking out at that point.

(kates pov)

alison knocked on the door saying i can come out now.

"he asked for my number"she said."YAY"i said excitedly.

we went back outside and sammy was looking at alison he just smiled at was so cute.

"man it's already 1am"one of the boys said "yeah it is"alison said "let's go to Santa Monica beach tomorrow"i said randomly,everyone agreed.

it was 2am and everyone was asleep just me,alison,and sammy were was akward because no one was talking.

"soooo"sammy said awkwardly "so what?alison said "uh idk"he said."omg come on you 2 date already"i said "oh we will"sammy said.

alison was covering her face with a pillow "awww she's blushing"i said.sammy got up and sat next to her and hugged her.

"can we go"alison said "aw why"sammy said "because this is really embarrassing"she said.he just laughed.

"yea I wanna go to"I said "alright then I'll see you guys tomorrow"sammy said.

we said our goodbyes and left.we left jack because he was sleeping and didn't want to wake him up.

"finally were home"i said."alison"i said "yes"she said "are you in love with sammy"i said "maybe,will have to find out"she said "aww you guys would make a cute couple"I said "oh shut up"she said."well goodnight love"i said "goodnight twat"she said

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