twenty six

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Jack and I were currently at the shelter, looking at dogs. I was walking down the narrow hallway that had dogs lined up in their cages. I eyes shifted from cage to cage, looking for the perfect dog. I know jack isn't to found of animals, but hey, I don't care.

My eyes came across a blonde golden retrieverwith black eyes. My heart swelled up as I walked over to his cage. His head lifted up and his tounge hung out of his mouth. My eyes widen as he came up to the cage and stood on his hind legs. "Your so cute" I said, sticking a couple fingers through the holes of the cages. He whimpered.

"Jack, he's so cute. Can we take him home?" I beg.

Jack bends down next to me to get a better view of the puppy. After arguing for a couple minutes on whether we should or not, I won. We had decided to finally adopt a puppy and we thought it would be best to get one from the shelter.

"Are you sure this is the one you want?" He asks, uncertain. "We're only getting one."

I roll my eyes. Jack wasn't big on the whole puppy idea because he's always busy and always traveling. He thinks that I wouldn't be able to handle a living thing on my own but I really didn't want to be alone while he's away on tour so I insisted till he eventually gave in.

"Yes I'm sure. Look at that droopy smile and those big brown eyes. How are you not in love?"

He put an arm around me and kissed my cheek.

"It's because I'm already in love with you."

I blushed deeply. We've been together for slightly more than a year but he has yet to fail to make me feel butterflies because of his adorably corny lines.

"I love you too but I'm also in love with this puppy."

"Okay. Then I guess we're taking this little guy home."

He gets up and talks to the guy working here about us adopting him.


We arrived home with our little new resident in tow. I take him out of his little carry bag and place him on the floor. He starts walking around the floor slowly sniffing everything.

When we had to adopt him, we were required to fill out his name. His original name was Spot but we decided to be more creative and call him Oreo. Jack thought it was a dumb idea to call him Oreo because his fur wasn't brown or white, it was a dark vanilla color. But he doesn't have any spots so what was the point of that name?

We went shopping for dog items a couple days ago. We had bought a blue dog bed and put it in the living room. We also got a bowl, dog food, toys, leash and a maroon collar with a silver pendant that we'd put his name and our contact on later.

Jack offered to get some food for dinner leaving Oreo and I alone to bond.

"Hey there, Oreo." I sat down on floor next to him.

He looked at me and caught sight of the small rubber ball in my hand. He nudged it with his nose and carefully sniffed it. I crawled away from him and then rolled the ball towards him.

He got a shock and tripped on his own feet as he tried to move back. He got back up instantly and went to investigate the ball again. This time he wasn't scared. He started pushing the ball around with his nose.

It was the cutest thing ever.

I played with him some more with different toys. I must've been really into it because I hadn't noticed Jack come back.

Oreo ran towards the door and started barking cheerfully.

I smile as I see Jack carrying Oreo into the living room. My man plus adorable puppy plus food equals perfection.

"Don't move," I tell him as I dig my phone out of my pocket.

"Smile," I say. Jack gives me a confused look but I snap a picture anyways.

"Why did you take a picture?" He asked as he sets Oreo to the ground and heads into the kitchen to put the food away.

"Because you looked so hot with Oreo, the food and your messy hair. I just couldn't help it."

He comes back and pulls me off the ground.

"You're so perfect you know that, right?" He asks, kissing my neck.

I laugh and gently push him away.

"You're the perfect one. Allowing me to get Oreo even though you didn't want with puppy. That was really amazing."

"I think it was a good idea to get Oreo," he said. "Since I got you something you wanted, can I get something I want?"

"If you want food, you can go and get it," I say pretending act clueless on what he actually meant.

"I was indicating something else but now that you mention it, I'm starving."

He goes into the kitchen to get food. I stay there amazed at how lucky I am to have a wonderful man in my life.

"If you don't hurry, I'll finish all the food," he calls from the kitchen.

"If you do, I won't give you what you want."

I hear him groaning.

I laugh and head into the kitchen after him.

want // jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now