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The L Word
The goosebumps, the butterflies, the sighting, and the never ending feeling of flying. The feeling that just happens once in a lifetime. The moment that makes you realize that all the heartbreaks and disappointments you went trough before are actually worth it because you now have something to smile for. That's what he is to me.
"When did I get so lucky?" I whispered. Watching him sleep filled me with peace and awe. When his forehead was relaxed, his lips were in a half smile, and his mind was somewhere far from the reality we were living.
I pushed his baby hairs back, allowing me to fully admire his beautiful face. His pink cheeks, his long lashes that hide the beauty of his eyes, his soft lips that carry every memory of our nights.
I moved closer to his chest, hiding my face in his neck. His warm and smell that felt like my safe place to land. He instantly moved his arms around me, holding me as close as I could get.
"I should ask the same question" He spoke with his raspy morning voice. His lips moved against my cheek, making me shiver from the slightest touch. "Good morning"
"Hi" I kissed his cheek, trying to hide my blush.
"Hi?" He looked down on me. "You've been checking me out for the last half hour, and all I get is a 'hi'?"
He moved his hands to my face, guiding me to his lips as if I needed help. He moved them slowly against mine. First, gentle and sweet as if he was trying to memorize every part of my lips. Then he proceed to slightly move his tongue against my lips like he was trying a new candy. His tongue made my lips part as if they hadn't surrendered to him already. With my approval, he deepen the kiss. One of his hands moved from my face to my waist while the other one slightly caressed my butt. My hands where making their way under his shirt, while my tongue entered his mouth. I was getting breathless so to end the kiss, I grabbed his bottom lip between my teeth and pulled softly, earning a moan from him.
"Better?" I smirked against his lips, earning a groan from him.
"Oh, baby" He pecked my lips. "How can you be so perfect?"
"Well, I'm not but thanks" I moved my hand to his cheek. "You are not bad at all. Actually, you are the best at everything"
"I love you" He breathed out. Just like that. His eyes met mine and made my breath hitch. "I love you so much"
"I.." I was speechless. He grabbed my hand and started kissing my knuckles. I moved my hand away to guide his eyes back to me. "Love doesn't begin to cover what I feel for you"
A smile started growing in his face, making every physical feature stand out even more. His lovely dimples, the shape of his eyes.
"There isn't a word that can describe how I feel every time I look at you" I kissed his jaw, then his lips again. "For the first time in my life, I know how it feels like to love someone so much that it consumes me. You make everything feel so right and so easy. With you I feel like I have a place where I can fit in and be safe. So I won't say I love you because that word is not enough"
He moved his hands to push my hair away from my face, kissing my temple.
"And here I was thinking I was being romantic by saying 'I love you' first" He chuckled, making me blush. "The disadvantages of dating a writer"
"You don't have to say anything, just by the way you look at me, I know" I kissed his lips once more. This kiss was more intense, more selfish. I want him just to me.
"It's a good thing I never stop looking at you"

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