twenty nine

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I'm pretty sure everyone knows Jack and I are over. These past couple weeks have not been easy, I am flabbergasted and I'm still shocked that he would cheat on me. I thought we were happy but he he just needed a good fuck. I was living to give it to him but he didn't ask he didn't even say anything and it's makes my thoughts go crazy that he could really just went to some random stranger..

Day after day I go to the club. I've hit that d.ick more times than ever. I am aware that this new lifestyles isn't good for me but in all honesty, I love it.

"Kate?" Alison asked. "Hey." I responded. "We need to stop by your old apartment and get your stuff. I already called for a moving truck. Your using the extra bedroom because I'm sick of having your fat ass on my couch" she joked. I stood up and engulfed her in a hug. "Thank you for everything your do for me" I truthfully said.

She didn't say anything but hug me tighter.

"Ready to go?" I asked. She nodded and we left our apartment.


Once we got to our old apartment. I took out the key and unlocked the door. I pushed it open and Oreo came limping over. He got a lot skinnier. My heart broke as I watched the poor puppy sniff Alison. "Is this yours?" She asked, looking down sadly at him. "Yes. He looks horrible. I need to feed him." I stated, running into the kitchen. "I can't believe would leave my baby to suffer" I frowned, pouring a big bowl of dog food for him.

I put it down and he instantly started to eat it.

'Let's get packing" I said, giving her a slight smile. She agreed and we started to pack.

I made my way down the stairs, carrying a few bags of clothes.
Jack was standing in the doorway. Madison was infront of him

"I love you bye" he said, then kissed her.. I walked into the living room as Madison walked away from their tiny makeout session.

Jack turned around and his eyes widened when he saw me. "Your here?" He said. "No fucking duh you fool" I spat.. "How could you" I yelled. "It was a mistake." He said. "Fuck that!" I yelled.. I took a seat and shoved my hands into my eyes.

"I'm sorry. It's all you and you only" he said, taking the seat next to me. "Bullshit" I spat. .

"I know. I'm sorry. It was wrong. Your my only one. I can't afford to loose you. Your my everything. Baby I can't loose you. Remember everything we went through to be together? Your just gonna toss that to the side. I love your beautiful hazel eyes. The way they light up when you hear my name. I love hearing you scream my name as I pound into you multiple times. I fucking love your everything. Your hair. Your body." He said. My eyes widen as u remembered Alison was to stairs. 

My thoughts shifted to Madison. Of course I know her and have meet her. I thought of Madison's body. She is flat in the chest area and also in the ass area. I may not be as skinny as her photoshopped body but I sure as hell do have bigger boobs and a big ass butt.

You can tell Jack is an ass girl. I grinned to myself but it slowly vanished as I remembered the situation I'm in.

"How long have you been seeing her?" I asked. He looked at his hands. "Six months" he mumbled. Tears rushed out of my eyes. "Six months!?" I screamed. "We've been together for about fourteen months and you've been seeing her since we were eight months into dating!  Unbelievable." I said. He looked at me, sorrow in his eyes. It's all a lie.

"I can't." I said. I looked him in the eyes. "I'm not throwing it away. You already did when you decided to even speak to her knowing she would try to get into your pants. You've heard things about her." I said.

"No, no, no. Please don't do this" he said. I shook my head as he started to kiss my neck. "I want you and only you"

"I'm sorry Jack. We are done.." I said. I stood up.

And for the last time, I looked into his eyes. I gave him a long kiss.

I started to walk away. I'll just have Alison get the rest of my stuff. I hope she understands.

I looked back one last time. I saw the tears falling from his precious brown eyes. As much as I wanted to go over there and say I'm sorry. I can't. He broke me just by seeing her behind my back. You may think I'm making a big deal out of this but I'm not. He had one job, one job and that was no never hurt me like I did to him when I was drunk and horny.


I bet you guys didn't even expect for me to end this.

Woah. I balled my eyes writing this.

Comment/vote for a sequel! (:

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