Times we have

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Better do this shit right, Sting. One mistake then she'll leave and the only excuse I can use is the program.

All hail magic council for investing the idea of Exchange program.

Gives me a lot if excuse to meet with her.

she frowned slightly,"7 Months is too long Sting, you can't do this."

I smirked, showing off my guild mark proudly. "Yes I can, this guild mark tells everything."

I can hear Rogue snorting there.

I'm so glad I'm the guild master, i can just say that no one can defy my orders or else.
But I hope I won't sound like Jiemma for this.

" Look, I can't take that risk. I need to complete this quest quickly and the longest time I can afford is 2 or 3 years at most!" She exclaimed.

I fixed my glasses with suits my handsome face just fine, "Shouldn't have joined the program then."

Did I sound like a jerk?

She glared at me, " I didn't join, i was chosen!"

"Shouldn't have got chosen then." Rogue added, sipping his coffee.

Now we both sounds like jerks.

"It's too much time oka-"

"How long did you do other guild?" Rogue asked by cutting her off.

I didn't think of that question.That's why I need Rogue for life.

" Quatro for one, Mermaid for Six.. So seven months." She counted.

"Great! Then you can just add another seven with us!" I grinned happily.


Now I'm the one frowning, "What's the problem? Additional needs? Money? Homesick?"

" Uhh.. no.. That's not it.."

"You can hug Frosch if you say yes, you both are taking way too long to even make a deal. It's annoying." Rogue offered not bothering to cover his annoyed face.

" Deal."

I blinked

Wow, thanks a lot Rogue! If you can just make her say yes by offering a simple deal then why couldn't you have done it earlier?

You wasted my time!

Not really, I wasted both of your times.


Rogue, you're the best.


This time it's Sting's POV, apparently, from long time ago he has secretly hidden his interest to Lucy.

Just insterested, not like Love.

But now that he has a chance, he's not afraid to use it. Sting may sound obssesive sometimes, but that's just shows his childishness (is that correct spelling?) and his insterest towards Lucy.

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