Up In Mind

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Yay, It reached 6.K.

Thanks you guys, again, for being patient with my mistakes and stuff. You guys are the best.

"Uhh..." Sting groaned loudly, he squinted his eyes to prevent the lights coming inside his vision suddenly. Until he realized that wasn't light, instead the warm light was from the fire. He looked around and fixed his neck position, he then realized under his head was the blanket Lucy just used earlier.

Wet napkin on his forehead, he touched it and put it on the ground. He sat up,


Was the first thing he thought and say, there's supposed to be another blonde hair around.

"I guess she's calling for help?" Sting asked to no one in particular, "Geez, leaving me all alone is not a good thing y'know."

Then, a sudden mischievous voice laughed.

"Finally, You have woken up."

"AAH!" Sting yelled hysterically,

"Chill, I'm not here to bite."

"WELL I'M SURE AS HELL NOT, YOU MIGHT BE HERE TO SWALLOW MY SOUL!" Sting barked, looking all around with panic.

"I don't swallow, like seriously. The lady earlier did not react as pathetic as you did, such shame."

"Lady? You mean Lucy?!"

"I actually did not know her name, yet." The voice replied, "You took your time waking up."

"Yeah..." Sting muttered, "The pain lessened actually."

"Of course! I took half of your black magic and poison, that will help your lifespan longer and health!"

"Took it? HOW?"

"I just sent it to something else, like transferring it to some other vessel."

"Giving it to someone else? That just mean!"

"You seriously act like a typical junior girl, ugh, anyway, I gave it to the turtles. So you'll see the water is black, that shows the turtles has been spreading the poison."


"I hate turtles."

"YOU'RE THE ENEMY OF MANKIND!" Sting yelled harshly, taking out posters of turtles with each kind of angles and articles about turtles. He even wore a turtle hat, which looks cute On him. "Look at the turtles and stare at how cute they are?!"

"But they're slow, green and ew."

"Snail is slower! Broccoli is Green and You are ew!"

"You don't even know how I looked like."

"Yeah actually I don't, are you a ghost or something? Ghost that can't go to the afterworld because of your despise of turtles?" Sting asked curiosly, the voice sighed not bothering to show his laziness and how annoyed he is.

"I guess, i am a ghost. And no, I'm not tied down because of a freaking turtle, something is tying me down into this cave. I don't know what, but your friend is helping me." The voice explained,

"Why is she helping you?"

"Because she wants to save you from transforming you idiot, at least I'm just slowing the transforming." The voice replied, "Actually, since I've done my request.. I'm just waiting for the girl, help me out here."

"Why should I help you? You're the enemy of the turtles!" Sting made a defending pose,

"Ugh, Do you want to help your friend or not? I don't know where my body is so you'll need to find it for me."

"Okay, this is going too fast. Can you like repeat whatever you were saying?" Sting asked nicely, but the voice was simply annoyed by his dumb expression on his face.

"Does it look like I'm your fucking teacher that would repeat every single thing for you?" The voice growled,

Sting shrugged, "Not Really, no teacher would repeat it when I asked nicely."

The voice sighed, it as if the voice were facepalming.

"Long story short, me dead, you find. Success."

"I'm not a baby, use sentences!"

"Geez, it wasn't this hard when I was negotiating with the lady." The voice muttered in depression, "Go deeper inside the cave, I'll guide you through the way."

"What makes you think that I actually listen to you?" Sting asked, raising his eyebrows.



Sting jerked back, the voice was different. So far yet it felt like someone was screaming next to his ear. And it was a scream of a girl, crying loudly in pain. Sting felt a fire lit up inside him,

"Was that-"

"My, Do you think you could repeat your sentence earlier? After you heard that scream?"

"YOU! RELEASE HER NOW! LET GO OF LUCY!" Sting screamed punching the ground to show his anger physically.

"Maybe you'll see her after you agree to my request?"



Sting bit his bottom lip, eyes darted towards the route inside the cave. "You're going to pay for this, after I see her."

"Such quick emotion you have there." The voice laughed, "Great!"

Sting growled loudly and walked into the path that is dark and quite creepy i might add. "Hey, Anti-turtle. What's your cursed name?"

"Nice to see you've already prepared a nickname for me, I'm Rhei." The voice replied,

"Okay, so what's your favorite flower?"

"Huh? Uh... Tulip..?"

"Do you have significant other, or beloved ones? If so, how many?"

"Wait what? Eh, i do have a lover. I don't have any family. I guess that's mean I only have my beloved, alas one."

"Do you prefer loud or silent?"


"Favorite song?"

"Fallout Boys."

"And yo-"

"What kind of random questions is this? Is this a freaking blind date?" The voice asked in disbelief, "do you ask these questions to random strangers? Or a ghost?"

"Huh? No, this is for your funeral."

"...", Rhei sighed, "Figures."

"Yeah, I'm gonna spread tulips all around your grave, ask your beloved to visit, make it not noisy and fallout boys songs." Sting grinned widely, wide enough to make sure Rhei now that he's going to do it.

"Yep..I'll be fine."

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