Me, Not Him! (3)

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We finished eating at the Cafe, so we left earlier than we wanted. Mostly because people are staring at us, it's uncomfortable you know.

Even though I'm the kind of girl that loves attention.

"You know, i didn't know that you're the kind of person that likes amusement park." I spoke, Rogue frowned a little hearing my statement.

"I don't." He replied shortly.

I raised my eyebrows with confusion filled my head.
"Yukino gave it to me, Apparently, Minerva wanted her to go to some mission and the expiration date is today. She forced me to go with you, she said you were stressed these days." He explained, catching his breath a little after finishing. I nodded in understanding, "She planned to go with you herself but I guess not today."

"Eeh~ Yukino is really nice." I hummed.

She must've seen me all depressed and all down, mostly because of these idiots.

But it's not like I can tell her about that.
Not yet.

"Hmm, I'm going to have fun then!" I exclaimed suddenly,

Rogue held out his hand to me, "We are."

I smiled back to his smiling face, taking his hand and ended up holding hands together while walking to the entrance gate.

His smiling face is really cute.


"Remind me, Why are you doing this?" Minerva asked, scoffing harshly glaring at the Smaller girl, no bad thing intended tho.

Yukino pouted, "I told you! We're watching out of them!"

"More like stalking."


Minerva sighed, she didn't bother to hide herself. Those dragon slayers are too busy to notice her scent or even realize her presence, she's not hiding behind a bush like Yukino.

"What do you have out of this anyway? Lying and involving me with your stupid plan." Minerva tilted her head slightly, while Yukino looked up since she was crawling down.

"Well, i thought it'd be a nice idea. She's been down and all depressed, she doesn't show it or tell anything. I'm waiting for her to tell me, though. We've been meeting each other a lot after the GMT, so I knew there was a change in her behaviour." Yukino explained, holding her phone trying to secretly take a picture of Lucy.


"Besides, Those guys probably could cheer her up. But, Sting is definitely being a third-wheel!" Yukino whined, Minerva sighed at her actions.

It's true, actually. Minerva already noticed Lucy's weird self, but she decided to let Lucy handle her problems herself and not go further inside.

But maybe this trip will change her a little for better.

"There's a bug, on your shoulders." Minerva bluntly stated, Yukino screamed like it was the end of the world. "Even so, dragging me is definitely unnecessary."

"Aww. It's not fun being by myself."

"Also ..." Minerva smirked, Yukino raised her eyebrow questioning Minerva's expression. "About Sting.. I can deal with him."


"Hey, do you want to go to the slow rides or fast rides, first?" I asked, delighted.

He simply nodded, "You choose."

"Fast rides, then."


"Hey, Let's taste the ice cream there too!"

"More sweets? Didn't you have enough of sweets already?"

"Nothing is Enough for sweets!"


"Uh, Guys. I'm like-right behind you guys. Can you stop acting like I'm not here?" Sting cutted us off, bothering us in the middle of our talk.

Rogue simply glared him.

"You know.. You didn't bring any money , did you?" I asked.

"Huh? No."

"Then how would you able to get in? We only have two tickets."

"W-wait what?!"

"guess you'll be waiting on the gate." Rogue smirked, sending a mocking face for Sting. Sting with his dumbfounded face, confused on what to do.

I smirked, "That's why I told you not to come, there's only two tickets and I know that your money is down right now. For paying those damages you caused." I said, whispering the last part.
But I bet he could heard me.

"S-Shut up! I can easily talk into the entrance guy!" he said confidently, more like only his voice shows confidence while his eyes averting my looks is showing his nervous feeling.

I laughed a little, "Try, i dare you."

He huffed in response and walked ahead of us, walking much more faster to get to the entrance gate more closer than us.

But suddenly when he was almost out of sight, he came back walking to us awkwardly with purple face.

"is that a fail or success?" I asked hesitantly, unsure what to do with his sick face.

He bit his bottom lips, colors drained from his face while sweats running down touching his forehead, "Th..e Entrance guy... It's Jura."

I blinked while Rogue did the same. I tried to use my poker face, but to no avail,

I laughed.

"Oh god, i should've expected that since Jenny was here." I said between my laughing voice.

"Why? They both are in different guilds." Rogue questioned.

"No, when we walked here, i don't know if you guys even noticed but, I saw Sherry advertising some stuff while Chelia two stores away dancing doing some request from the crowds." I explained one by one, remembering those moments when I saw them on the street.

"No, i don't think I even saw them."

"Thought so, Hey, we should hurry up."


"Wait, i feel like we're missing something."

"probably something insignificant."



"Where did Sting go?"


"Probably Dead."


"Should we prepare his funeral after we're done with this?"


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