Extra 2. School Time

614 19 37

This is an AU, Total School time.
Today's main character for today's chapter is.. Roro!


Sting: That nickname sucks.


Well yeah, just enjoy it.

"Rogue, You seriously sucks." Sting stated as he leaned in his face with his right hand resting under his chin. He shifted his elbow on the desk into a more comfortable position, Rogue who sat calmly just gave him the look.

"See? You're giving me the look, Sucks!"
"What is it, Shithead?" Rogue asked in a monotone voice, he didn't intend to actually ask and wait for a stupid answer for Sting but he did it to shut the blondie up.

Sting grinned, "So I noticed you've been staring at Lushi."

Rogue rolled his eyes, "Oh god, you've been saying that for weeks. And this is why I've been quiet around you for weeks."

"Wait really? I mean, how the hell would I notice that? You're always quiet around me ever since we we're born!"

".." Rogue blinked, "Oh yeah."

"Well, Putting that aside!" Sting made some hand gestures, "Youuu likeeeeeeee herrrr-!"

"Wow, That's a good imitation of Happy-Sensei." Rogue clapped boringly.

"I know right!" Sting clapped for himself, "Anyway, I'm right aren't i?!"

Rogue sighed, "Yes yes, I like her you dumbface."

"Then go ask her out!"

"What? NO!"

"Why not?!" Sting asked confused.

"We haven't even exchanged our diaries yet!" Rogue stated as he grabbed a bright blue thin book out of his desk.

Sting blinked, "Seriously, Man? What the- this is High School! Not Elementary school!"

"I don't Care!" Rogue barked back.

"Oh god, you have the mind of a junior school girl." Sting facepalmed.

"You just said this is an elementary school thing."

"Okay shut up, seriously man. She'll definitely say yes, and there's your chance!" Sting tried convincing him, shaking his shoulders harshly.

"Whoa no! How would you know she'll say yes?"

"Because she's a girl, she's nice, cute and naive." Sting stated, "Her naive-ty will make her think that you just want to get along as a classmate, but you definitely want more."


"Trust me, dude." Sting said, "I've asked her out once... Or twice. Triple times. Okay fine, Four!"

Rogue stared at him surprisingly, Rogue grabbed him by the collar, "You've asked her out!?"

"WHOA, Chill dude." Sting raised his hands in defense, "Almost everyone asked her out and she still won't get the code, that's just shows how dense she is."

"And what makes you think that I won't be the same as you guys who've already asked her out?" Rogue let go of Sting's collar and put his arms crossed off his chest, with a boring and unbelievable face.

Sting coughed and fixed his collar and tie, "Easy, well... You're quiet, always bored, emo, introvert, the kind of guy who thinks that the world is shit and life should just stop."

Rogue sighed and facepalmed, "Shut up and continue."

"But you just told me to shut up."

"Continue." Rogue glared at him.

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