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     I finally find this life-risking attempts is not a good thing. Like, how on earth getting deeper into the sea with no help or guidance around is a good thing? I could drown and there's no one around, appreciate Aquarius efforts to protect me even when her key are broken. But surely, does letting my mouth and nose get filled with water and ending up lifeless is a good thing?


Well that was what Lucy's thinking.

"What's wrong? Your friend is waiting for you to save him."

"I know!" Lucy argued, "But what's the point of both of us dying?"

"Oh he won't die, he'll dragonize and he'll live his life as a dragon. And you, either be living your life as a human or end your life drowning."


"Try diving in, search and come up again. Do that frequently, surely you can do that?"

"Of course I have thought of that, it just, i can't hold my breath that well and long enough. It takes too much energy for that too happen, I'll get tired before I even find whatever it is." Lucy shut her eyes as she tried concentrate on her breathing.

"Your choice, the sun won't wait for you and so is the time."

"Geez, that doesn't help at all." Lucy sighed, "If only Juvia was here then she could help me with her bubble thingies."

"Three.. Two.."

"You're counting!? That really really doesn't help!" Lucy panicked, moving her hand rapidly. In reflex, she let her head go deep into the sea. She almost opened her mouth to realize, she wasn't feeling the pressure of the water at all. She can breathe easily and normally even underwater, she looked at her collection of spirit keys. Only Aquarius's key are glowing. She smiled gratefully for Aquarius help.

Then Lucy swam around trying to find something, anything. Nothing.



"Alright guys, we got call from Yukino. Yeah, They're both around and safe but not in a good way." Erza announced after she hang up her phone. Gajeel looked at her,

"So they're in danger?"

"Might so."

Levy bit her nails with panicking expression showing on her face, "That's no good either, and there's no sign or anything from the searching group."

"Erza-San, Juvia can't find anything from her surveillance cameras." Juvia said apologetically, "and some of it is broken because of the storm, while Juvia can't see clearly from the rest of it."

Erza harshly called the staff, "Oi, Can't you do anything with your weaklings staff!? We still can't find our friends and you're not helping! You're just scared aren't you?"

"Actually there's another Juvia is worried off.. " Juvia said unsure of her own sentences,

"What is it, Juvia?" Levy asked worriedly,

"You can't find your gray-sama?" Gajeel snickered, but Levy elbowed him hard,

"Well that too-""See?""-But, Juvia thinks that someone is messing with Juvia's surveillance cameras."


"I mean if that's true that's pretty bad, we know that someone else is in this island given the fact that we're the only one in this island plus the staff." Gajeel gritted his teeth, "Why didn't you tell us this before?!"

"Okay, guys. Fuck this, lock the doors and window-"

"Wait, Juvia's not finished, Erza-San!" Juvia cutted her off, everyone's eyes now on her.

"OH god, not another problem. We've got enough on our plates now." Gajeel complained,

"Where's Wendy and Charle?"




"OH M-"



"Alright, Flame-Head. Where are we going? You sure your nose is doing alright now?" Gray scratches the back of his head,

"Well, Stripper. We're getting near." Natsu replied calmly, Happy on his head cheered loudly,


"To the enemy." Natsu finished, smiling proudly, happy stopped her happy expression and went on his scared panicked expression, "EEEEH?!"

Gray smacked his head real hard,


"Oh, don't worry. The path we're taking is far from Lucy. I already know her location."

"Wait really?" Gray asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, apparently her location is not that far from the hotel. But it's deep in the forest, also there's no enemy near her location. Besides, Mira and the others are going to her location so it'll be fine for Lucy. So I thought, then why not beat this random guy?" Natsu replied, punching his fist to the air.

"It's amazing how he can tell where we are all just by scent." Happy and Gray sweatdropped,

"Well, ash-head. Guess that's not a bad Idea! Let's go!"

"I know right?!! I'M ALL FIRED UP!"

"Who's there?!"

Gray, Natsu and Happy in reflexes, turned to where the voice is coming from. Behind them, a girl with a pale skin. Dark colored lips and eyes covered by her bangs, her long dry messed up black hair are all over her head. No shoes and white long clothes with a little bit of flower design, her voice shivering,

"You, who are you people?!"

"Whoa girl, that's our question. What are YOU doing in this island? We rented this island for weeks so you're the one who needs to be asked." Gray replied back, the little girl was creeping him out. Her appearance didn't feel very nice for him.

"Why is a girl here?" happy asked in confusion.

"You, are you here for doll?! No, please! I found her, so it's mine!" the girl cried,

"Huh? What doll?"

"Please! Don't take her away, you're not the first one here to take her away." The girl screamed, "I beg of you, go away!"

"Uh, what's this girl talking about?" gray asked, he turned to Natsu, "Any idea?"

"Yeah I do." Natsu said, no expression on his face. hardly to see, he walked to get near to the girl and punched her in the face.

Gray and Happy screamed,






"Oi." Natsu called out, "look at this."

Gray and Happy turned their head over to Natsu's hand, their face showed confusion, "Strings?"

The face that Natsu punched, was not half human face and half of it were skin colored strings. The girl gritted her teeth as the strings united and ran away from Natsu's hand to complete her face. Now her face was back to normal,

"MONSTER! Go away-go away!"

"She's the enemy." Natsu stated.

If you guys remember some of the last chapters, surely you know who is that girl.

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