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"So, you're dead, then how come your body is not rotting away?" Sting asked,

"Well, I'm also confused as to why I still have my fresh body. If you ask me, it looks like that someone is taking care of my body. Well, let's just wait for your friend." Rhei replied with his unsure tone.

"Why would someone be taking care of a corspe? That's crazy." Sting said. "Do you have an idea who?"

"...Well... Actually I do."

"OH I KNOW, YOUR BELOVED!" Sting yelled as if he know the answer the earth been asking for decades.

"Uh yeah, right."

"So who's your Girl?" Sting asked,

"You probably wouldn't know her... She's a girl that goes by the name, Lovaline." Rhei said, "She's from the Sycca Village, als-"

"How old is she?"

"Huh? 15."




"I JUST LOOK MATURE! I'm still young!"

"Okay.. So how does she looks like?"

"She's Asian."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Pale skin, long straight black hair, eyes covered by the bangs and she always wear something that is related to flowers."

"Okay, so-"

"You don't need to find Love, we'll just wait for your friend. She'll bring something that'll be a lot of help."



It's glowing, that bag is glowing. I've been diving in way longer that I should've, it's dark and somehow there's some dead turtles around. But something caught my interest, it's that little bag, light emitting from something inside that bag.

It's gotta be the bag that Rhei's been talking about, i went ahead and let my fingers grab it. So of course I swam to the surface after that, then I looked at the bag.

A simple and small purplish bag, better get this to Rhei fast. I hope this is the one he's asking, i need this to save Sting fast.

I get in inside the cave, after I've been swimming searching for this bag. Rhei hasn't been saying anything, when I walked inside.

There was no blonde guy laying around sick, a feeling of worry dominated me,

"STING? Where are you? RHEI? STING?"


I hear a voice,


"WE'RE here!"

I walked over deeper, what was Sting thinking going in here? It seemed like a maze runner trap shit. No griever at least. I walked for two minutes until I saw Sting sitting om the ground, beside him was a large coffin.

It seems that Rhei has done his part first, I'm glad.

"is that a coffin?" I asked curiously,


"Mine, it's my body there."

"Oh,... WAIT WHAT?!"

"I know right?" Sting laughed, "His girlfriend kept his corpse, probably why he's still tied down to this place."

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