Chapter 2

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"Draco, He's my older brother," I looked at her, The boy who had shown me the way to the dorms was her older brother. 

"He showed me to the dorms, He seems to hate Potter's, so you're younger than us?" She smiled and then laughed a little before twisting her rings.

"Our whole family hates Potter, Harry mainly. I'm a year younger than you guys, but yes he hate's Potter," I laughed and then was informed it was time for dinner so we all left. 

We sat and i looked around and spotted Harry, the first part of the tournament had already happened. I missed it by a week so Harry looked very focused. He didnt notice me so I decided to leave it be until a later time. 

"Everyone, I would like to introduce a new student, a very special one actually. Please everyone put your hands together for Eliza Potter, our brand new slytherin, treat her nicely everyone," People clapped but in a confusing way before I stood up and made eye contact with Harry. 

He looked surprised. He stood up and walked towards me before hugging me. We were infront of everyone so it was kinda awkward but I still hugged him back. It felt nice to be in his arms again. 

"We need to talk after this." I nodded and he went back to his table. As I sat I noticed Draco staring at me before looking away. 


"You should have told me you were coming Liz, I would have dropped everything," I laughed.

"No I wanted to surprise you, I knew it would make you happy, minus me being in slytherin," That made him laugh but then he just hugged me again. 

"Well it's almost curfew, I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled and nodded before heading back to the dorms. 


The second task no one knew what it was. so it was the talk of everything, including class lectures. 

"It was a dragon before so who knows what it will be this time," Destiny says while eatoing her cake. It was lunch time and I was sitting with Pansy, Destiny, Blaise and Draco. 

"A dragon?" I asked and then pansy went on to explain the task before I shook my head. 

"How in the world did Harry get himself wrapped up in this tournament," Then Draco spoke up.

"Because he has to have all the attention on him at all times, the 'amazing Harry Potter' is always doing something." I looked at him and then everyone else and Pansy just rolled her eyes at him. 

"Oh Draco be quiet you're just mad because father doesn't shut up about Potter," I laughed and looked at him before he looked away and kept eating. 

"Miss Potter you are needed in the headmasters office immediately," a bunch of "oooo's" were heard from people around me and I laughed before walking to his office. 

I said the password and walked in, standing there Dumbledore just looked at me and said 

"I apologize Miss Potter," and then it all went black.

I gasped for breath as I saw Draco over me with Pansy and Destiny next to him, Blaise stood behind Draco. Everyone looked extremely worried, Draco the most as he stopped doing compressions. 

"Why am I all wet?" I sat up and was wrapped in a Blanket by Destiny. I was freezing and don't remember how I ended up here. I looked around for any sign of Harry and I couldn't find him. Soon enough I heard cheers and looked over to find Harry pulling Fluer's sister out of the water. 

"Eliza are you good?' Pansy asked as she helped me stand. 

"I'm fine, what happened?" 

"You were part of Harry's job this task," Draco explained, looking mildly upset. 

"The contestants had to retrieve something valuable from the bottom of the Blake Lake, you were Harry's something." I coughed before looking at Harry, he looked worn out but ran over to me once he saw I was awake and alert. 

"Omg Liz you're okay, Thank you so much Pansy," She just nodded and he hugged me. I smiled and turned back around to find Draco but was met with no one. He had apparently already left. 

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