Chapter 12

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                                                                                     1 year later

I had made it a weekly sometimes daily thing to visit Draco in the hospital. Today was the anniversary of the battle. A year ago today is when Draco went into a coma. He was hit with two spells at once and they had impacted him enough to send him into a coma.

The healers keep telling me that it's not likely he will wake up. I'm the only person who has stayed with him through all of this. His mother came before she was put on house arrest for helping Lucius, who was put in Azkaban. 

Her house arrest ended in 3 months. She had written to me and promised she would visit soon. Harry and Ginny stopped at the hospital sometimes, they even came when I wasn't here just to visit. Ron and Hermione came sometimes. Ron and I had almost completely made up and were on good terms. 

Luna and Blaise came around often. Blaise would tell us stories to keep Draco's memory very alive, some of which Draco would probably kill him for telling us. Luna always kept her head high and always said he would wake up. She would even bake sweets and bring them in.

Everyone else has already moved on. I was stuck here. It was an everyday cycle. I sat in this room and talked to him as if he was living. The Wizemagot had set out a new law, the 'Repopulation law' everyone who wasn't already married was gonna be assigned a partner to be wed and have atleast 3 kids. 

Harry and Ginny were already pregnant with a baby boy. Ron and Hermione were being married in a month. everyone else was planning engagements. Pansy was to be wed to a ravenclaw boy named Miles. Destiny was to be wed to Theo Nott. 

I was well aquainted with Theo. He was like the life of the party. Destiny had a crush on him for a long time so it worked out well. Nott had also taken a liking to her. Destiny visited occasionaly. She was very occupied with finishing her last year at Hogwarts to become a healer. 

"Destiny and Nott are getting married in six months," That was all I said before I stood up and kissed his forehead. I said goodbye before leaving the hospital. The staff knew my name because of how often I was there and always bid me goodbye. 

I walked up to my apartment and took out my keys before unlocking the door. This was Draco and I's dream place. We talked about it quite often. The kitchen was made of marble counter tops and wooden floors. 

The living room had a big green couch with dark green curtains. The fireplace sat on the right side as you walked in. There was a portrait of the Malfoy's above the fireplace, Lucius however wasn't in it. Only Narcissa and Draco. 

I walked up the wooden stairs and into a room that would be made a nursery if we ever had kids. It was painted with animals and fun colors already due to the previous owners. Walking out of that room and turning left I walked down the hall and turned right and walked into the master room.

I laid down on the dark green bed and started to cry. Remembering this same exact moment in Malfoy Manor when I was wrapped in Draco's arms as he said he loved me. He kissed my forehead that night and then we fell asleep. 

Why did this happen to him and I. It was as if the whole wizarding universe was against us. I brought my arms up to cover my face when I heard pecking on my window. I looked up and saw a barn owl and opened the window letting it in. 

It dropped a letter on me that was addressed by the Ministry of Magic. I looked at it and then decided to open it. 

Dear Miss. Potter,

The Ministry still sends their condolences about Mr. Malfoy not having awoken yet. However we need to say that if he does not wake up in the next month you will be wed with a random person that the Ministry chooses. I have tried to stall this as long as possible but you know the rules.

Sincerely, Minister of Magic.

I couldn't believe that I had a month. I just laid down and slept because I was in no state to think of that right now.


"Look Harry, they want me to be wed to someone random if Draco doesn't wake up," He looked at me sadly.

"Liz we all tried to prepare you for this, he won't wake up," I shook my head. I knew he would I just didn't know when.

"I believe he will and I don't want to be wed when he wakes up with a baby on my hip. He will think I completely betrayed him," Ginny walked in and sat down next to me. 

"He won't Eliza I promise, you might as well just choose someone now instead of the Ministry choosing," I sighed. I knew deep down she was right but I couldn't do that to Draco. 

A patronous flew infront of me and it startled all of us. 

"Eliza Potter we would like to inform you that Draco Malfoy has awoken," I shot up out of my seat and ran straight to the fireplace to floo there. As soon as I stepped out of the fire a nurse was waiting to take me there. 

I walked in his room not realizing Harry and Ginny had followed and saw him sitting up and drinking water. I ran to his bed and couldn't be happier to have seen him taking a drink of something. he looked surprised to see me before wrapping his arms around me. 

"Hello love," I let out a sob and laughed together. I hadn't heard him call me that in months and I missed it. He kept a long hold on me. He sat there with me for what seemed like seconds. 

"You're awake," He smirked a little and nodded. I was too happy to even notice the others in the room. the Nurses must have told the others as well because everyone was here. 

Ginny and Harry stood next to me with Destiny and Nott on Draco's other side. Blaise and Luna stood by the door and all of the Weasley's were there. 

"So what did I miss?" everyone laughed and started explaining stuff. 


"So there's a law where people have to be married?" I nodded.

"Destiny got Theo in case you were wondering," he turned his head to him and pretended to be mad which made Nott back up a little.

"Well I guess that means we will have to get married soon darling," I smiled and scooted closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me. This was the happiest I had ever been in my life. 

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