Chapter 9

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"That's my brother you bloody git!" I screamed at him. I have been thinking of leaving the manor to find Harry but Draco won't let me leave. We got word two days ago that the Death eaters destroyed Bill and Fleur's wedding. The day before they had killed Mad-eye and injured George Weasley.

Although the Weasley's aren't my favorite people, the twins were always nothing but nice to me. 

"I don't care Potter, you aren't leaving, I won't let you die," I scoffed at that and rolled my eyes as I turned around. 

"I already have a target on my back because i'm related to him, so wanting to leave to be with my only living relative isn't a bad thing Malfoy," He walked closer to me and took a few breaths before turning me around to face him. I didn't want to even look at him. 

"Look at me Potter," I kept staring at the ground. My brother could be dead and I didn't wanna be here right now. I needed to be with him.

"Please look at me Eliza," I slowly looked up at him and he looked sad. He looked extremely worried as well. I didn't know about what exactly but I didn't wanna worsen that. 

"Eliza I can't lose you, thats why I won't let you go after him," I just shook my head and let out a desperate sigh. I pulled him in for a hug.

"You won't lose me Draco, I'm right here," I felt him let out a sigh of relief and then I felt what I could only describe as a sob while he held onto me. 

"Please don't leave me liz," I hugged him tighter at that and then let go so he could look at me. His eyes were red and he looked much skinnier than he was a few weeks ago. I kissed him softly and then pulled away while pulling him to our bed. 

"I'm not going anywhere," Then with that we both fell asleep. 

I woke up on the stone hard floor. I had no clue where I was or why I was there. I looked around and soon realized it was the Malfoy dungeon. I got up and went over to the door and realized it was locked. Why was I here? 

"You were brought down here a few hours ago," The voice startled me and I turned around to find Luna Lovegood, a ravenclaw in my year. 

"Who brought me down here?" She looked up from the floor and smiled lightly.

"Draco did, with Bellatrix behind him, they said some stuff as well," I walked over to her and sat down next to her hoping she would continue.

"They were talking about how this is best for you and Draco and that they needed to get Harry here somehow," I looked up and could feel the tears stinging my eye to be let out. I couldn't believe he put me here. 

Suddenly the door was being unlocked and we both looked up to see Voldemort. He walked towards me with Draco and Lucius behind him. 

"Stand up Potter," I stood slowly and bowed to him. He let out a low chuckle.

"Where is your brother?" I looked at him and then Draco, realizing he told Voldemort something.

"I have no clue sir," He shook his head before replying. 

"Wrong answer," suddenly I was hot with a crucio curse. I fell to the floor screaming in pain and I could feel every inch of me being turned inside out and squeezed. He twisted his wand and the pain only got worse. I would rather be killed right now than this. 

While I tried to fight off the pain I looked up at Draco and saw him just standing there. he didn't have a care in the world that  was being tortured. Once the pain had subsided I looked at him again with pleading eyes. Then I noticed his eyes were full of tears and he mouthed 'i'm sorry'. 

I laid on the floor and they left. I heard them talking about how they would contact Harry and tell him they had me. I knew Harry wouldn't care because I had betrayed him. However I would do everything in my power to protect him, even if that meant taking every curse imaginable so they wouldn't find him.


Everyday was worse than the last. I had been stuck here for almost 3 weeks. Luna kept me in good company but everyday I was shot with some curse because I had no clue where my brother was. Draco watched everytime and did nothing. 

We heard the door open and Lucius and Bellatrix walked in. I was grabbed and dragged upstairs and thrown on the marble floor of Malfoy Manor. I looked around and saw Draco and then noticed Ron and Hermione.

"She can identify if it's him or not, he is her brother after all," I looked up and saw some death eater behind a boy. 

"Is that Harry?" I was pushed forward and looked closely. I recognized him and knew it was my brother but I didn't know what to say. 

"I can't tell my lord," I was shot with a spell that knocked me over. 

"what's that?" I heard Bellatrix ask. 

"Found it in her bag when we searched her, reckon its mine now," Suddenly he was hit with a spell and before I knew it Harry, Ron and I were being shoved back down to the dungeons.

"We should have a little talk, girl to girl," I knew that wasn't anything good. 

Once we were locked down here Harry came over to me. His face was still messed up but I could tell he was relieved to see me. 

"I'm so glad we know you're alive, we kept getting messages stating you were dead," We could hear Bellatrix and Hermione upstairs and Hermione was crying. Ron kept pacing and cursing under his breath. 

"Pacing gets you no where Weasley," I told him. He just shot a glare at me and stood still. Suddenly we all jumped up at the sound of Hermione's scream. 

"We have to do something," Ron stated. 

"There is no way out of here," He scoffed and then suddenly Dobby appeared.

"What are you doing here?" Harry had asked. 

"I'm here to rescue Harry Potter sir," Dobby had explained. 

We walked up the stairs and saw Bellatrix talking to a small elf. Then we saw Hermione laying on the floor. 

"Expelliarmus," Ron shouted trying to disarm Bellatrix. 

Before I knew it Harry and Ron were fighting against Narcissa and Draco and bellatrix yelled at everyone to stop. 

"Drop your wands," As she held Hermione with a knife to her throat. We heard squeaking and looked up to find Dobby unscrewing the chandilier and then it dropped. Hermione was thrown to Ron and Draco fell onto a chair. Harry ran and took all their wands from him. 

Harry grabbed me and started pulling me with him as we walked towards Dobby. I looked at Draco and stopped before running to him and right before we apparated out I pulled him with me. 

Suddenly we were on a beach and Harry ran to me. He hugged me as tight as he could before he saw Draco. They all raised their wands at him but I stood next to him making sure they didn't do anything. 

"He's with me, it's alright," They looked unsure but dropped their wands as they saw Dobby. He had a knife stabbed through his chest and Harry ran to him. He held him in his arms as he died and thats when I saw Harry cry. 

I stood close to Draco and hugged him before we all started walking to the safe house. 

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