Chapter 10

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I was pulled inside a room by Harry and he slammed the door. 

"Why is he here Eliza," I scoffed and looked him straight in the eyes. 

"He is my boyfriend whether you like it or not," 

"Voldemort will track us because of him and his mark," Harry looked disgusted by even mentioning the mark. 

"No he won't I casted a spell over both of us, so don't even try to play that card," He looked at me confused, 

"Why are both of you in need of the spell?" He hadn't seen mine. 

"I have the mark too Harry," I watched him step back and then he just turned around and left the room. 

He was walking straight for Draco and before I knew it he had his wand to Draco's throat. 

"YOU LET HIM GIVE HER THAT MARK," His scream echoed throughout the house. Draco looked at me and I attempted to pull Harry off of him. Once Hermione and I had gotten Harry off I went over to Draco. He had a small mark on his neck from the wand. 

"He didn't choose it, I did, he never wanted me to get it," He looked at me and I saw the hurt flash across his face. 

"you chose to get it?" I nodded. He just stood up and left. 

"He was worried about you all this time and you are a death eater," Ron shook his head and left also. Leaving Hermione, Draco and I in here. I cast a spell fixing the wounds on Draco's face and neck. I tried to help Hermione clean her wound on her arm as well but she didn't want anyone else to see it. 

I watched Draco get up and leave the room. I decided to follow when I saw that he was leaving the house i sped up. He sat down on a patch of grass. He pulled his knees up to his chest and let out a sob. I walked towards him and bent down.

"Draco, what's wrong?" He just looked at me before catching me off guard and pulling me into a tight embrace. He just broke down in my arms. I could feel his whole body shake everytime he tried to calm down. 

"I'm so sorry," was all he kept repeating for atleast five minutes. I had no clue what he was apologizing for. 

"there is nothing to apologize for," 

"I let you get the mark, I couldn't protect you from Voldemort I had to watch you be tortured everyday, I will never forgive myself for being a coward," He continued to cry and eventually we laid down on the grass and watched the sky. 

"Do you think we can ever live a normal life?" I nodded my head. We can one day and I know it. Just that one day isn't now. He laid as close to me as he could that night. He had his arms wrapped around my waist with his face buried in my neck and he would occasionally kiss me on the neck and then he fell asleep. 


i was sitting on the couch with Draco cuddled up next to me when Harry walked in. 

"I need to know what you did in that manor for you to decide to get the mark Eliza," I opened my mouth to speak before I was interupted again, 

"I bet you were just lounging around while Ron, Hermione and I searched for you, but all along you were cuddled right next to Malfoy," I opened my mouth in shock. Draco stood up and so did I. He started to say something before I said my response first. 

"No Harry I wasn't cuddled up next to Malfoy, you have no clue what i went through," 

"You probably were laughing thinking about how everyone else was suffering while you were living life because you are just Harry's twin. You are nothing else without your last name," Ron had spoken. I felt the tears hit my eyes. My vision was blurry but I still spoke. 

"I sat in the Malfoy dungeons for weeks taking every curse that was thrown at me so I could protect you and your friends," I lifted my sleeves to show the scars I had gotten from so many curses. I lifted my shirt to show my back and stomach to prove that I only had them in mind. 

"I only thought about you and your safety, I could have given you up so I wouldn't suffer but I didn't, because I care." Harry stood there as he saw my body and the scars that seemed to never end. The tears were stinging my eyes before I finally let them roll down my face. 

The whole room was quiet as they looked at me. I regretted ever showing them it because now they knew. Draco wasn't even aware of some of these because it happened at all ends of the night and day. He wasn't there for some. 

"Eliza I'm so sor-" 

"Save it, I am just your twin after all, I'm not like the special Harry Potter who is saving the wizarding world," I put my shirt back on and left the room and went upstairs and locked my door. I wouldn't even let Draco in. I looked pathetic. Those scars show how much of a coward I was and now they all saw them. 

I felt my chest collapsing in on me. I couldn't breathe and I was sure I was dying. The room was spinning and all I could hear was the sound of my heart beating and the sound of knocks on my door. I stayed on the floor for what seemed like hours. 

I would always be just Harry Potter's twin. It was destined to be like this, I will never be able to give enough for anyone to appreciate anything I have done. I wasn't needed. I never was. I was just extra space that was being wasted. 

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